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33.--Mr. White didn't go to the meeting yesterday, did he?

  --_________. He was ill in hospital.

   A. Yes, he did    B. No, he did       C. Yes, he didn't    D. No, he didn't


32.--Someone is knocking at the door.

   --It _________ be my cousin. He Called and told me that he was coming to see us today.

   A. must       B. can        C. may       D. would


31.--_________ ?

   --It's April 30.

   A. What day is it today             B. What's the time now

   C. What's the date today             D. What's twenty and ten


30. Both of his _________were hurt in the traffic accident.

   A. hair        B. feet         C. noses          D. leg


29.--_________are you buying the flowers for?

  --For my mother. It's Mother's Day.

   A. Who       B. What         C. Why         D. Where


28. We can see three girls and five boys _________ this picture.

   A. of        B. for          C. on         D. in


27. If you don't have a dictionary, you can use_________.

   A. him       B. me          C. mine        D. my


26.--What' s that?

   --It' s _________ pencil sharpener.

   A. the        B. a          C. an         D. /


25. My little brother wants to be a ________ /di'tektiv/when he grows up.

   A. deserve       B. discover        C. dictionary      D. detective


24.I feel _________/'terəbl/. I think I've got a bad cold.

   A. trouble       B. terrible        C. double        D. travel

