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1. He can speak two I_____________, Chinese and English.


I like the time after dinner. It is the happiest time in my__21__ . It is a time for the family member to get together. Look! My mother is   22  the floor. My father is  23  in a sofa and reading a newspaper. Sometimes he  24  about something with my grandfather. My grandfather is a professor(教授) and  25  likes reading, too. Now, he is reading a book. But his eyes are not very 26  , so he can't read for a long time. My grandmother is telling 27 . interesting story to me. I   28  listening  29  her carefully. I really don't know why my grandmother has so many good stories to tell. She can tell me a  30  story every day.

21. A. school     B. classroom      C. family     D. park

22. A. clean      B. cleans     C. painting       D. cleaning

23. A. standing        B. sit            C. sitting           D. stand

24. A. talk        B. talks          C. talking     D. is talking

25. A. it         B. he           C. she          D. they

26. A. bad        B. good         C. happy     D. sorry

27. A. a          B. the           C. an           D. /

28. A. be     B. is        C. am           D. are

29. A. to     B. from         C. at           D. in

30. A. new       B. same      C. old        D. young


20. I read it every day in order__________ my English.

  A. to improve   B. improving   C. to describe    D. describing


19. Please be quiet. My little child____________

  A. sleeps    B. go to bed    C is sleeping   D. going to school


18. -Oh, hi, Lucy! _______________?

  -Not bad.

  A. How it is going           B. What are you doing

  C .How is it going           D. What does she do

