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22. Please don't_________//it like that.

   A. through      B. throw      C, show         D. grow


21. It's_________ /taim/for class. Let's go to the classroom.

   A. term       B. them          C. team            D. time



1. A. I have many books about science.

B. We must get there before twelve.

C. She never arrives late for school.

2. A. The boy can't get down from the tree.

B. The shop is not open at this time of day.

C. The hotel is quite far from the factory..

3. A, Could you tell me the way to the post office?

  B. Would you please tell me your new address?

C. Do you often go shopping with your mother?

4. A. This is my third year in the middle school.

B. It's not very easy to learn English well.

 C. Let's go and play basketball after school.

5. A. Why didn't you go to see the film yesterday?

 B. What are we going to talk about at the meeting?

 C. How are you getting on with your new neighbour?

B)在录音中你将听到五个句子。请根据所听到的句子选择适当的答语。每个句子听两遍。  (5分)

6. A. It' s under the desk.      B. It's mine.              C. I like sports.

7. A. Yes, I'm busy.        B. How do you do?        C. I'm a student.

8. A. It doesn't matter.       B. It's very kind of you.      C. You're welcome.

9. A. I'd love to.          B. Thanks a lot.          C. OK. Here you are.

10. A. You must go to see the doctor.

B. Sorry to hear that

C. That's a great idea.

C)在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及  问题听两遍。(5分).

11. A. To his sister's office.          B. To the police station.      C. To the post office.

12. A. No, never.           B. Yes, twice.           C. Yes, some times.

13. A. At Lucy's house.        B. Outside the school gate.      C. Near the Island.

14. A. Because he wants to spend more time there.

  B. Because he has to do his homework.

  C. Because he doesn't like staying at home.

15. A. 7:15.              B. 7:45.            C. 8:00.

D)在录音中你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及  问题听两遍。(5分)

16. A. She goes to the park in the car.

B. She goes shopping in the car.

C. She goes to work by bus.

17. A. Because she is very old.

B. Because she can't drive very well.

   C. Because the road is busy.

18. A.80.              B. 50.            C. 30.

19. A. Because she enjoyed watching the traffic lights.

B. Because the policeman stopped her from leaving.  

C. Because she couldn't start her car.

20. A. Last Sunday morning.

B. Last Saturday morning.

C. Last Saturday afternoon.





The government _______ people _______ _______ energy and reduce waste.



I will _______ as much time as I can _______ _______ my lessons to get ready for the exams to senior schools.



Miss Wang is _______ _______ to the students that she_______  _______  _______ their best friend.



Most people _______ _______to _______ at home on Golden Week Holidays.



_______ _______Beijing to take part in the Olympic Games.



Every day I go to school _______ _______ and my mother goes to work _______ _______.

