0  133623  133631  133637  133641  133647  133649  133653  133659  133661  133667  133673  133677  133679  133683  133689  133691  133697  133701  133703  133707  133709  133713  133715  133717  133718  133719  133721  133722  133723  133725  133727  133731  133733  133737  133739  133743  133749  133751  133757  133761  133763  133767  133773  133779  133781  133787  133791  133793  133799  133803  133809  133817  447090 

(三)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,每组对话读两遍,问题只读一遍,根据你所听到的对话   内容和相关问题,选择最佳答案。

10.A.America       B.Canada.     C.Australia.    D.Japan.

11.A.To the supermarket.  B.To the library.  C.To the museum.  D.To the bank.

12.A.In the cinema.     B.In the Car.    C.In a shop.   D.In a restaurant.

13.A.35$.         B.50$.      C.70$      D.100$.

14.A.Go to the History Museum.   B.Go out to watch a basketball game.

   C.Go out with the woman.    D.Stay at home and watch TV



5.A.Yes,I will.   B.No,you don’t.  C.You can go.  D.Good idea.

6.A.For a week.    B.Twice a week.   C.After a Week. D.After school.

7.A.Yes.of course.          B.I like the house very much.

  C.That’s very kind of you.       D.You will like it.

8.A.Two years ago.  B.In ten years.  C. For two months. D.About 100 meters long.

9.A.Yes,please    B.Not at all.  C.No,thank you.  D.OK.


(一)录音中有四组句子,每组句子读一遍,然后从每组的A、B、C三个句子中选出一个与图   画内容相符合的选项。


A:Hi.Zhou Wei.Where ale you going to spend your summer holidays this year?

B:   l02       

A:How are you going to get there?

B:We're going to get there by plane.

A:   l03       

B:The next Monday.

A:   104       

B:Thanks.What about you?

A:   l05   I'd like to go back to see all the villagers.I miss them very much.

B:   l06   I think you must have a good time in your hometown.

102.         103.         104.        

105.        106.        

   A.That’s wonderful.
   B.Do you decide to go home for the holidays?
   C.You know I'm from the country.
   D.I'm sure you’ll enjoy yourselves in Urumqi.
   E.I'm going to travel in Urumqi with my family.
   E. When are you going to start?
   G. Please call me if you need some help.


101.We were surprised that the little girl could draw so well.

            ,the little girl could draw so well.


100.Jack is too young to dress himself.

   Jack is not         to dress himself.


99.My watch doesn’t work well.

There is        my watch.


98.What are you going to do? Could you tell me? (将两句合并成一句)

Could you tell me what                 going to do?



97.Young people should speak to the old politely.(改为被动语态)

The old                         by the young people politely.

