0  133731  133739  133745  133749  133755  133757  133761  133767  133769  133775  133781  133785  133787  133791  133797  133799  133805  133809  133811  133815  133817  133821  133823  133825  133826  133827  133829  133830  133831  133833  133835  133839  133841  133845  133847  133851  133857  133859  133865  133869  133871  133875  133881  133887  133889  133895  133899  133901  133907  133911  133917  133925  447090 

34、Hey, John! Let's _______ a walk _______ the park.

A、takes, down                    B、taking, in

C、take, through                   D、takes, in


33、What does your mother do? _______.

A、She is having breakfast                B、She gets up at 6:00

C、She's a bank clerk                  D、She's doing some shopping


32、 Many people are _______ of the Great wall.

A、getting photos                   B、taking photos

C、get a photo                     D、taking photos


31、I like penguins, dolphins, Koalas and some _______ animals.

A、others           B、other           C、another          D、the others


30、She always _______ black or white, but today she's _______ a green skirt.

A、puts on, wears                   B、wears, putting on

C、wears, wearing                  D、is wearing, puts on


29、My daughter is very _______, she runs to my room to tell me the _______ news.

A、excited, exciting                   B、exciting, excited

C、excited, excited                    D、exciting, excited


28、Aren't the Koalas cute? Yes, _______.

A、a kind of         B、kind of          C、kinds of         D、all kinds of


27、The little boy sits _______ his father and mother.

A、listening          B、listen           C、to listen         D、listens


26、The little boy sits _______ his father and mother.

A、across          B、on            C、between        D、from


25、Susan likes _______ soccer, but he doesn't _______ it well.

A、to play; plays                     B、play; plays

C、to play; playing                   D、playing, play

