0  133781  133789  133795  133799  133805  133807  133811  133817  133819  133825  133831  133835  133837  133841  133847  133849  133855  133859  133861  133865  133867  133871  133873  133875  133876  133877  133879  133880  133881  133883  133885  133889  133891  133895  133897  133901  133907  133909  133915  133919  133921  133925  133931  133937  133939  133945  133949  133951  133957  133961  133967  133975  447090 

71.That traffic accident     last month.


70.I     doing five maths problems yesterday evening.


69.Last Sunday we all went to Linyi city     Lin Fang.


68.Oh, you're lucky! The plane     in ten minutes.



take off   take place   do well in   have a hard time   except nervous

67.Alan     his English exam last week.


English teacher
PE teacher
Maths teacher
Science teacher
History teacher
good at   57 
the  58  in class
could  60 
 61  student



62.According to clever Monkey, why is Tom always late?

63.What's Sara's problem?


64.We know from the passage that Sara doesn't want to live with her parents.          (  )

65.The advice column in the school newspaper is popular.                        (  )




The generation gap (代沟) is a serious problem. I read a  35   about it in the newspaper. Some children killed(杀死)  36   after  37   with their parents. I think this is because they don't often  38   each other. Parents now  39   more time in the office,  40   they don't have much time to stay with their children. As time passes, they both feel that they don't have the  41   topics (话题) to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more patient (耐心的) with your  42  , get to know them and  43   them. And for children, let your parents know your  44  . They are the people who love you. So  5   them what you think. In this way, you  46   have a better understanding of each other.

35.(  )A.fiction               B.call             C.report           D.letter

36.(  )A.them            B.they             C.parents          D.themselves

37.(  )A.talking           B.arguing          C.fighting          D.playing

38.(  )A.have a talk with     B.have a talk        C.have a word       D.talk about

39.(  )A.spend            B.stay             C.work            D.have

40.(  )A.because          B.if               C.but             D.so

4 l.(  )A.interesting         B.same            C.true             D.good

42.(  )A.business          B.children          C.work            D.office 43.(  )A.surprise          B.write            C.get             D.love

44.(  )A.homework        B.styles            C.problems         D.future

45.(  )A.tell              B.ask             C.answer          D.say

46.(  )A.need             B.should           C.must            D.will

