0  133814  133822  133828  133832  133838  133840  133844  133850  133852  133858  133864  133868  133870  133874  133880  133882  133888  133892  133894  133898  133900  133904  133906  133908  133909  133910  133912  133913  133914  133916  133918  133922  133924  133928  133930  133934  133940  133942  133948  133952  133954  133958  133964  133970  133972  133978  133982  133984  133990  133994  134000  134008  447090 

38.--When did you come back from Beijing?

   --        the morning of April 18th

   A.For         B.On           C.To          D.At


37.Hangzhou is famous        producing silk in China.

   A.from         B.at           C.in        D.for


36.--This is        film I’ve told you about several times.

   --It is great.I’ve never seen        more moving one.

   A.a; a         B.the; the        C.the; a       D.a; the


35.Liu Xiang,21, is an Olympic winner in the        hurdles(跨栏赛), we’re proud of him.

  A.110 meter                    B.110-meters

  C.110 meter                   D.110-meters’


34.--A latest English newspaper, please!

   --Only one copy left.Would you like to have       , sir?

   A.it           B.one          C.this        D.that


33.--Your tea, please.

   --There must be        in the tea.It testes good.

   A.anything sweet                 B.something sweet

   C.sweet something               D.everything sweet


32.There is      salt in the kitchen.Would you like to go to the shop and get     ?

   A.little; some      B.little; any        C.a little; some      D.a little; any


31.--Which classmate is the best friend of        ?

   --I think Helen is.

   A.you         B.your          C.yours         D.yourself


30.It’s over        from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.

    A.three hours’ drive               B.three hour’s drive

    C.three hours’s drive              D.three hours drive


29.I’m thirsty.I think I’ll buy some        

    A.water         B.bread         C.cakes         D.eggs

