0  133873  133881  133887  133891  133897  133899  133903  133909  133911  133917  133923  133927  133929  133933  133939  133941  133947  133951  133953  133957  133959  133963  133965  133967  133968  133969  133971  133972  133973  133975  133977  133981  133983  133987  133989  133993  133999  134001  134007  134011  134013  134017  134023  134029  134031  134037  134041  134043  134049  134053  134059  134067  447090 

录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,根据所听内容完成下面的表格(每空不多于三个词)。(生词:enroll  v.  注册)

Family name
Given name
45 Hardcourt Street
Telephone number


35. Boys and girls always make their holiday plans colorful, but they all beat studying! The word “beat” means “_________”.

A. hit                        B. deal with

C. avoid                        D. get the most points


34. A survey shows that kids in UK are the unhappiest, though it is among the richest countries in the world. ________, lots of money doesn’t mean a happy childhood.

A. As a result                    B. That is to say

C. For example                   D. Above all


33. Stephanie Sun’s latest album Backlight came out in April, 2007. It ________ as expected.

A. was sold as good               B. was sold as well

C. sold as good                   D. sold as well


32. Usually we don’t realize how important nature is to us ________ it is too late.         

A. until          B. unless         C. before        D. after

