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use  answer  hear  idea  helpful  happy  from

   We can often see dog owners taking their dogs for a walk. But have you (76)__     of taking penguins for a walk? Here is a piece of news from Japan. In Tokyo Zoo, penguins go out for a walk in line every day. It is said that this can make them happy and stop them (77)    being homesick. The penguins in this zoo didn't eat well and were not kind to workers when they first came to the zoo, maybe they were not (78)     to the life in the zoo. So the zookeepers came up with this good (79)     They let them walk just as they did in South Pole(南极). Now, all these penguins have become (80)       


75. Do you know when computers were     (发明)?


74. I'll     (借) the book to you when I've finished it.


73. I felt so     (瞌睡) that I went to bed very early.


72. A fire broke out on the     (第九) floor of the hotel.



71. We read English aloud for 15 minutes in the morning from (星期一)     to Friday.



66. Jenny wants to say something about the          between Chinese culture and Canadian culture.

67. Jenny found it easy to          in China.

68. In Canada, people never ask others about their            

69. It's necessary to          first before you visit someone in Canada.

70. Jenny thinks you should not          making mistakes in China.

