0  133998  134006  134012  134016  134022  134024  134028  134034  134036  134042  134048  134052  134054  134058  134064  134066  134072  134076  134078  134082  134084  134088  134090  134092  134093  134094  134096  134097  134098  134100  134102  134106  134108  134112  134114  134118  134124  134126  134132  134136  134138  134142  134148  134154  134156  134162  134166  134168  134174  134178  134184  134192  447090 

25.Today nobaby_____to school because it's Sunday.

   A.come       B.comes     C.coming


24.I____he_____our English teacher.

   A.not think,is   B.don't think,is   C.think,isn't


23.Do you enjoy_______the English club?

   A.joining   B.join   C. to jion


22.There _______ any orange juice in the bottle.

   A.isn't   B.aren't    C.hasn't


21.---Who arrived late for school this morning?


   A.Jim is   B.Bill does   C.Gina did


20.I watched TV at home ____ Saturday evening.

   A.at      B.in       C.on


19.She practices _______ English every day.

  A.speaks    B.speaking    C.to speak


17.I found a boy __ with a dog under the tree.

  A.playing    B.played    C.to played

l8.Stop _______ computer games! Please do your homework.

  A.to play    B.playing    C. play



16.Maria wrote __ article yesterday  __ article is about TV shows.

   A.a,The    B.all,An   C.an,The


(三)听对话  录音中有五组对话,每组对话听两遍。根据对话内容,从11-15各小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确一项。

11.Were is the hospital?

  A.It’s next to the Middle School.  B.It's behind the Middle School.

  C.It's across from the Middle School.

12.What does Tom think of the city?

  A.Very clean.   B.Very beautiful.   C.Very large.

13.Why does Alex like sunglasses?

  A.Because they are cheap.B.Because they are cool.  C.Because they are fun.

14.How was the weather there?

15.What does Huanhuan like playing?

