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The No.15 bus    here,     it?


How  often
takes  walks  64.   
63.     sometimes
Jack’s  wife


Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You may  3l  they go to learn languages, P.E., history, science and other  32 .But why do they learn these things? We send our children to school to get them  33  for their future work and life.Nearly everything they study at school is  34  in their life, but is that the only reason they go to school? There is more in education than just learning things.We go to school first of all to learn  35  to learn, so when we leave school we can  36  learning.If a man really does so, he will always be successful,because whenever he has to do something  37 , he will quickly teach himself to do it in the best way.But uneducated person cannot do it, or does it  38  .The purpose of schools is not  39  to teach languages, science, etc., but to teach students the  40  to learn.

31.A.tell             B.speak           C.talk             D.say

32.A.subjects         B.books           C.1essons          D.classes

33.A.study           B.ready           C.back            D.waiting

34.A.easy            B.difficult         C.useful           D.interesting

35.A.what           B.why            C.how                D.who

36.A.go on              B.enjoy           C.finish            D.stop

37.A.good           B.important         C.different          D.new

38.A.well            B.badly           C.1uckily          D.quickly

39.A.enough          B.often           C.really            D.just

40.A.things           B.1essons         C.ways            D.reasons


30.I went to Beijing       October l, 2006       the first time.

     A.on, for          B.in, for           C.on, at            D.in, on


29.Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,      ?

A.don’t they        B.didn’t they        C.did they          D.do they

