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What                 would you like?



  She has           and             



  In fact,that                 very happy.


2.I can’t stand the idea that old people can't be beautiful.


1.What do you think of arriving late for school?


Yesterday evening my friends Ruth and Kelly came to see me.We  l   about our last weekend.For Ruth, the weekend wasn't  2  .On Saturday morning she studied history.She saw  3   talk show on Sunday.“It was great,”Ruth said. 4  Kelly's weekend was not very good.She was really  5  because she had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning she went  6 with her mother and bought a lot of things, and she  7  a book about music on Saturday afternoon.She  8   her grandparents on Saturday evening.On Sunday she wrote a new  9  for the school music festival(节日).It was a little bit  l 0 

1.A.said              B.talked           C.told             D.spoke

2.A.bad             B.10ng            C.good            D.1azy

3.A.an open          B.a boring         C.an interesting      D.an awful

4.A.So              B.And            C.Or             D.But

5.A.happy            B.tired            C.excited           D.relaxed

6.A.playing          B.swimming        C.shopping         D.camping

7.A.read             B.watched         C.saw             D.decided

8.A.excused          B.found           C.visited           D.paid

9.A.1etter            B.email           C.opera            D.song

10.A.colorful         B.shy             C.difficult          D.expensive


15.We watched someone sleeping in Picture     


14.Don't judge(判断)a man by his    

A.looks         B.look          C.looked         D.looking


13.Many people are here, some are dancing, some are singing,     are talking about something.

A.other            B.others          C.the other        D.the others


12.What did the teacher     in English?

A.speak          B.say           C.talk          D.tell

