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1.imagine ____________    2.hero ____________     3.nervous ____________


My best friend is Xiao Li,  36   last week in school we had a big  37  ,and she didn’t talk to me.It all started  38  she asked me if she could copy my homework.I asked her  39  she wanted to do that,and she said she had forgotten to do  40   .I said I didn’t think it was a good idea  41   her to copy my homework.She wanted to know why I didn’t think it was a good idea.I said it  42   a bad habit and that she should do her own work.She got really mad  43   me and said she didn’t want to be my best friend  44   .I said that was OK mad that 1 was sure she would  45  it.And she did.Yesterday she told me she was sorry.She said it was much better if she did her own job.

36.A.and    B.but    C.so    D.that

37.A.match   B.game   C.fight   D.sport

38.A.when   B.what    C.where    D.how

39.A.if    B.but    C.who     D.why

40.A.hers   B.her    C.it      D.that

41.A.to    B.for    C.with     D.on

42.A.is    B.will be   C.would start   D.starts

43.A.to    B.for    C.on      D.at

44.A.too    B.anymore  C.either     D.more

45.A.get over  B.get out   C.1ook out    D.go over


35.The children will climb the hill if it_________.

A.won’t rain   B.didn’t rain   C.isn’t raining   D.doesn’t rain


34.-Where is Tina?

-She_______ Water City.

A.has been to   B.has gone to   C.will go to   D.goes o


33.-How long has he been here? -_______.

A.A year ago   B.Before a year ago   C.Since a year ago   D.For a year ago


32.His mother often________ some newspapers before breakfast.

A.looks out   B.looks like   C.looks though   D.1ooks after

