0  134053  134061  134067  134071  134077  134079  134083  134089  134091  134097  134103  134107  134109  134113  134119  134121  134127  134131  134133  134137  134139  134143  134145  134147  134148  134149  134151  134152  134153  134155  134157  134161  134163  134167  134169  134173  134179  134181  134187  134191  134193  134197  134203  134209  134211  134217  134221  134223  134229  134233  134239  134247  447090 

28. Please give the small clothes to your little sister. Don't throw them                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                A. up       B. on        C. away      D. in                  


27. --How long does it      them to finish their work every day?

A. spend     B. cost      C. use      D. take


26. --The book is on the floor. Will you please         


A. pick up it    B. pick it up     C. pick up them   D. pick them up


25. David spoke so fast that       can understand him easily.

A. little      B. a little      C. few      D. a few


24. Taking a walk after supper       your health.

  A. in bad to    B. is bad for     C. is good to    D. is good for


23. After school, Zhang Ying likes playing computer games and chatting(聊天)   her friends    the Internet.

A. about; in    B. for; in      C. with; on    D. to; by


22. Time       no man.

A. waits      B. waits for     C. wait      D. wait for



21. The 16th Asian Games will be held in        in 2010.

A. Beijing     B. Shanghai     C. Dalian     D. Guangzhou

