0  134089  134097  134103  134107  134113  134115  134119  134125  134127  134133  134139  134143  134145  134149  134155  134157  134163  134167  134169  134173  134175  134179  134181  134183  134184  134185  134187  134188  134189  134191  134193  134197  134199  134203  134205  134209  134215  134217  134223  134227  134229  134233  134239  134245  134247  134253  134257  134259  134265  134269  134275  134283  447090 

39.--Where do you want ________ your holiday?

--We have decided ________ to Hawaii.

A.to spend; going                B.spend; going

C.to spend; to go                 D.spending; go


38.At Doha(多哈)Asian Games, a ________ rider from South Korea fell off the horse and got killed.

A.47 years old                        B.47-years-old

C.47-year- old                        D.47 year old


37.She is terrified ________ the dark.She often goes to bed with her bedroom light ________.

A.of; on                          B.of; off

C.about; out                        D.for; off


36.-- I'm sorry I ________ my exercise book at home.

-- Don't forget ________ it to school tomorrow, please.

A.forget; to take                B.left; to bring

C.forget; to bring                D.left; to take


35.The old man was quite weak after the accident, so he ________.

A.must take care of                B.must be taken care

C.must look after                D.must be looked after


34.Do you know anyone ________ knows about the history of the Ming Tombs?

A.who          B.when         C.whom      D.which


33.Can you tell me ________?

A.how can I get to the library           B.how I can get to the library

C.how could I get to the library          D.how I could get to the library


32.No matter ________ the weather is, you can find him ________ on the farm.

A.what; working                       B.what; to work

C.how; to work                       D.how; working


31.In our school library there ________ a number of books on science, and the number of them    growing larger and larger.

A.is; are        B.has, is        C.are; is        D.have; are


30.-- Shall we surf the internet,Lucy?

    -- ________.

A.Me, too                         B.The same to you

C.OK.Thank you                     D.Great

