0  13323  13331  13337  13341  13347  13349  13353  13359  13361  13367  13373  13377  13379  13383  13389  13391  13397  13401  13403  13407  13409  13413  13415  13417  13418  13419  13421  13422  13423  13425  13427  13431  13433  13437  13439  13443  13449  13451  13457  13461  13463  13467  13473  13479  13481  13487  13491  13493  13499  13503  13509  13517  447090 

11.As it was fine, he made the suggestion______ for a walk in the park.

   A. they go              B. they’ll go

   C. should they go       D. that they go


10. With a lot of homework______, he is having a hard time.

   A. do B. doing  C. to do  D. done


9.The only thing ______ she couldn’t understand was ______ such a good boy had done it.

   A. What, why B. That, why C. What, what D. That, what


8. Perhaps you have been to many interesting places, but nowhere else _______ such a beautiful palace.

   A. you could find       B. could you find 

C. you can find         D .can you find


7. You must attend the meeting. It’s of ____.

   A. great important       B. very important

   C. very importance      D. great importance


6. --- What’s Kate doing?

   --- _____ the Internet in the room.

A. She surfs  B . To surf  C. She surfing  D. Surfing


5.violence A.currentB.cooperation C.category D.circulation


4.roof       A.loose  B.goods  C.foot   D.book


3.affected   A.approached B.concerned C.owned D.wounded


2.discourage A.dangerous B.conscious C.curious  D.double

