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1. ___________of children
preferred shopping over the Internet.
2. 61% of these children
said it was ___________ to do shopping over the Internet than in shops.
3. Nearly _________% of
12 to 16-year-old children shop on the Internet.
4. 13% children
said they usually spent more than £20 online on
5. Cheryl Millington
thought it important for parents


33. -____________?


A. What happened                B. Where did Lily go

C. Which girl is Lily               D. Who cleaned the table


32. -I didn’t see him at the party.

-I didn’t see him, ____________.

A. too           B. yet          C. either          D. neither


31. -Do you think this one is ____________ as that one?

-Yes. Both are very important.

A. as important                  B. more important

C. less important                 D. very important


30. The teacher said he did well in the test because he made ____________mistakes.

  A. little          B. a little        C. few           D. a few


29. Bring me ____________ cup of tea, please.

  A. other          B. others        C. the others       D. another

