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Sometimes I work in the      and sometimes at      .


1.-你是干什么的? -我是一名售货员

-What     you? -I'm a shop       .


A: Do you have a pen pal?

B: Yes, I do. I have a boy pen pal. He's Pete.

A: 1                                     ?                                  

B: He comes from Toronto, Canada.                                                                                                                                             

A: 2                                     ?

B: He's tall with medium build, curly hair mad blue eyes. Here is a photo of him.                                                                                                                                                         

A: 3                                     ?                                                                                                                                  

B: He loves sports shows. Sports are his favorite.

A: 4                                     ?

B: Yes, I do. I want to go to Toronto and visit him next vacation.

A: 5                                     ?

B: It's warm in spring and not hot in summer. The weather is nice.

A: OK, I hope you have a good trip!

B: Thank you.


10. The hotel is n      to the bank.


9. He works in a TV station. He is a r     


8. He is medium height with curly and b      hair.


7. My cousin can't s      soap operas.


6. You have to g     up at six in the morning.


5.      (二月)is the second month of a year.


4. She takes       (活动) after class every day.

