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17. It’s ____________ interesting book and I like it.

  A. the           B. a            C. 不填          D. an



16. Something is wrong with his ____________. He can’t see clearly.

  A. ears          B. nose         C. eyes           D. mouth



11. Who invited the girl to dinner?

  A. Her classmate.          B. Her Chinese teacher.      C. Her English teacher.

12. What is she going to bring?

  A. Some candy.           B. Some flowers.          C. A Chinese dish.


13. Where are they talking?

  A. In the classroom.       B. In the library.          C. In the post office.

14. What does the girl want?

  A. A book.              B. A ticket.              C. A shelf.

15. What is the girl’s phone number?

  A. 13301011065.          B. 13701015256.          C. 13600111074.



7. They are talking at the airport.

8. The man is going to Canada.


9. The man bought some food.

10. The woman spent 50 dollars.



1. (   )             2. (   )             3. (   )


4. (   )             5. (   )             6. (   )



注意:1. 从下面所给的题目中任选一个

2. 请选用表格中的词汇。

3. 词数:不少于60词。

4. 文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。

An unforgettable (难忘的) class
An unforgettable after-class activity
never, on that day, so that, be glad, be sure, learn a lot
never, on that day, begin, excited, believe, learn, teach somebody a lesson



A: Good morning, young man.          1       ?

B: Good morning, doctor. I’m not feeling well. I have a cough.

A: Open your mouth and say “Ahh”.

B: Ahh!

A:         2         ?

B: For two days.

A: Do you have a fever?

B:         3         .

I have taken my temperature and it seems all right. Is there anything serious, doctor?

A:          4        .

You just have a cold. Drink more water and take this medicine three times a day.

And you’ll be          5         .

B: Thank you, doctor.


3. They hope they can ___________, ___________, ___________and ___________.


2. They like the teachers who are ___________, ___________and ___________.

