0  134163  134171  134177  134181  134187  134189  134193  134199  134201  134207  134213  134217  134219  134223  134229  134231  134237  134241  134243  134247  134249  134253  134255  134257  134258  134259  134261  134262  134263  134265  134267  134271  134273  134277  134279  134283  134289  134291  134297  134301  134303  134307  134313  134319  134321  134327  134331  134333  134339  134343  134349  134357  447090 

3. -Would you like some ______ milk? 

 -Yes, but _______ a little.

   A. must, just     B. many, not      C. any, no     D. more, only


2. -80% students like soccer, what does 80% mean?  -________.

  A. No students   B. All students   C. Some students   D. Most students


1. -_______ do you help the old man with the housework?  

 -Once a week.

   A. How soon    B. How long     C. How often    D. How many



小明和Tom是笔友,小明给Tom写信询问学英语的方法,请你以Tom的身份给小明写一封回信, 内容包括:1、你对学习英语的态度(难、易、重要性)2学习英语的方法和建议。字数70---80左右。开头已给出。Dear Xiaoming,

I’m glad to see your letter.


Today Chinese people can enjoy longer holidays, such as the three “God Week Holidays”: May Day, the Spring Festival and National Day. They have more time  1  .Rising incomes (收入) also make   2  possible for ordinary Chinese people to travel abroad(国外).

Zhang Haitao. a middle school student in Shanghai will go to Japan with his parents  3  the Spring Festival . “Overseas touring has always been a dream of  4  ,” Zhang Haitao said.

 5 will you go to Japan ,by air or by ship ?” I asked him.

“ by ship, Traveling by ship is more   6  than a rushed trip by air .

“but a plane is much   7  than a ship .”

 “Yes ,but you can’t see much during the   8  , while a sea trip will make you happier ,because you can see waves ,island and even big fish.”

“Will you travel at your own expense (费用)?”

“Certainly ,  9  my father ‘s job is to recycle rubbish ,I’m very proud of him .He has saved  10  money in the last three years, What’s more ,he has made a contribution by protecting our environment.”

1 A travel    B travels     C to  travel  D traveled

2 A them    B it       C this     D that

3 A during   B from      C at      D to

4 A my     B I       C me     D mine

5 A How     B What     C When    D Where

6 A dangerous  B enjoyable   C difficult   D frustrating

7 A fast     B. faster     C fastest   D slower

8 A night    B day      C holidays   D light

9 A Because  B Although    C But     D So

10 A a little   B many   C  lots of   D a few


4. 那个人使我想起了我的英语老师。他们穿着相同的衣服。



3.Be careful of the dog that does not bark.

