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24.--I visited Baoxiang Temple(宝相寺)in Wenshang on May Day.

--Oh, I think you _______ your vacation.

A.enjoys          B.enjoyed         C.enjoying          D.enjoy


23.--What did you do on weekend?

--I helped my mother _______ dumplings.

A.make        B.made        C.makes        D.making


22._______ Sunday morning, I cleaned my room._______ the afternoon, I did my homework.

A.On; On      B.On; In        C.In; In         D.In; On


21.--Can you _______ the word in French?

--Sorry, I can't _______ French.

A.say; speak     B.tell; say       C.speak; say       D.talk; speak


20.--What are the policemen doing?

--They're _______ the thief.

A.looking at       B.finding        C.looking for      D.seeing


19.Jim is from London and he is an _______ boy.

A.eight years old     B.eight-years-old    C.eight-year-old      D.eight year old


18.--Would you like some dumplings?

-- _______.I'm hungry.

A.No, thanks      B.Yes, please        C.Yes, I do        D.That's OK


17.--What does your friend look like?

--She is good-looking _______ long black hair.

A.and          B.or          C.has          D.with


第一节   单项选择(共l5小题,计l5分)


16.--Is that _______ interesting book?

--Yes, but it's _______ difficult.

A.a; little bit        B.an; a little bit     C.a; a bit         D.an; bit



11.What's the relationship(关系)between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student   B.Brother and sister     C.Friends

12.What does the boy want to do tonight(今晚)?

A.Have a walk        B.Have a dinner outside    C.Go to the movies

13.What does the girl do after school?

A.She goes home.        B.She dances.     C.She plays basketball.

14.What can't the speakers do on school nights?

A.Go out.           B.Watch TV.     C.Listen to the music.

15.How often(多长时间一次) does the girl clean her room?

A.Every day.         B.Every two days.   C.Every week.


