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45.Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular.It     in many schools around the world.

A.teaches          B.is teaching       C.has taught        D.is taught


44.--Few well-known singers came to the concert, did they?

--    .Such as Andy Lau, Jay Chou anti Kristy Zhang.

A.No, they didn't                      B.Yes, they did

C.No, they did                        D.Yes, they didn’t


43.--I hear you have got a ticket     the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

--Yes, I go it     my uncle.

A.of, from         B.to, by           C.to, from             D.or, to


42.--Walt, we have few vegetables for dinner.Could you go and buy    ?

--Yes, sure.But I don’t have     money.

A.any, any         B.some, any        C.any some            D.some, some


41.--Must I give the dictionary back to the library now?

--No, you    .You can     it for another two days.

A.needn’t, borrow    B.needn’t, keep      C.mustn’t, lend      D.mustn’t keep


40.Our physics teacher told us light     faster than sound.

A.travels          B.travel           C.travelled          D.travelling


39.--Do you often see William     on the playground?

--No, but he is often seen     Chinese Kongfu in the park.

A.run, play                          B.run, to play

C.running, play                           D.running, to play


38.--I knocked into the trees when i went t~ the railway station for my friends.

--I suppose you     too fast.

A.drive           B.are driving   C.drove            D.were driving


37.--Excuse me is the supermarket far from here?

--No, it is about    

A.seven minutes walk                   B.seven minute walk

C.seven minutes walk                   D.seven minute’s walk

