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12. Lucy ate nothing for breakfast, __________ she?

A. didn't      B. wasn't      C. was        D. did


11. --Jim finished doing the work on time.


A. So I did     B. I did so     C. So he did     D. He did so


10. Please don't forget __________ to me, will you?

A. to write     B. writing      C. write       D. writes


9. Japan is a __________ country, and China is a __________ country.

A. developed, developing 

B. developing, developing

C. developed, developed  

D. developing, developed


8. --Hello, may I speak to Mr. Black, please?


A. I think so     B. Hold on, please     C. Goodbye      D. I'd love to.


7. Please look the new words __________ in the dictionary.

A. at      B. up      C. over       D. after


6. __________ of the students are girls in our class.

A. Two thirds     B. Two three      C. Two threes     D. Second three


5. I'd like to know __________ or not.

A. whether Jill he come here    

B. whether has he come  

C. whether he will come   

D. that he will come


4. I could finish __________ my homework in just an hour.

A. with       B. to do      C. doing       D. about


3. Spring comes __________ summer.

A. after       B. before      C. in        D. between

