0  134287  134295  134301  134305  134311  134313  134317  134323  134325  134331  134337  134341  134343  134347  134353  134355  134361  134365  134367  134371  134373  134377  134379  134381  134382  134383  134385  134386  134387  134389  134391  134395  134397  134401  134403  134407  134413  134415  134421  134425  134427  134431  134437  134443  134445  134451  134455  134457  134463  134467  134473  134481  447090 

29. You must read the     carefully before taking the medicine.

A. news     B. pictures    C. numbers    D.instructions


28. -It' s said all the hotels are full of tourists during the National holiday.  

-Don' t worry! I    a room in a hotel

   A. have booked  B. will book   C. book      D. may book


27.-   have you kept the CD player?

  -Since last January.

A. How far    B. How soon   C. How often   D. How long


26.-How long does it take to walk from our school to the park?

  -Half an hour,__   

   A. here and there  B. now and then  C. up and down  D. more or less


25. The harder we work, the __    result we will get.

   A. faster      B. fast      C. better     D. good


24. Lucy, could you please help me     the map on the blackboard? We won' t need it.

   A. put away    B. put off     C. put on     D. put up


23.-How wonderful they are ! Which one means the Olympic flame(火焰) ?-   one.

   A. Three      B. The three   C. Third      D. The third


22.-Is this your school ID card?

  -No, it's not    . My ID card is in the bag.

   A. your      B. yours     C. mine      D. my


21.-Why are you laughing?

  -Oh, I've just read __    interesting story.

   A. a       B. an      C. the      D.不填



16. A. To be on business.         B. To see their children.  

C. To spend their holiday.       D. To see a good film.

17. A. Because they could' t take him with them.

  B. Because he wouldn't like to go with them.

  C. Because they didn' t want him to follow them everywhere.  

D. Because they began to hate him.

18. A. As soon as they came back.     B. The next morning they came back.

  C. Late at night.           D. Early in the morning.

19. A. He thought he enjoyed himself.

  B. He didn't think he have a good time.

  C. He thought he had learned to make noise there.  

D. He thought he brought the wrong dog

20. A. Her husband was quite right.

  B. Billy had changed a lot.

  C. Her husband had brought the wrong dog home.  

D. Her husband doesn' t like Billy at all.


