0  134399  134407  134413  134417  134423  134425  134429  134435  134437  134443  134449  134453  134455  134459  134465  134467  134473  134477  134479  134483  134485  134489  134491  134493  134494  134495  134497  134498  134499  134501  134503  134507  134509  134513  134515  134519  134525  134527  134533  134537  134539  134543  134549  134555  134557  134563  134567  134569  134575  134579  134585  134593  447090 

13. -What are they?

     -They are     .

    A. noodle and soup           B. noodles and soup     

C. noodles and soups          D. noodle and soups


12. -    _?

     -He's 1.5 metres tall.

    A. How old is he?           B. How tall is he?       

C. How does he feel           D. How is he?


11. -May I borrow your eraser?

     -Sure !    

    A. You're welcome         B. Thank you       

C. Here you are             D. Good –bye


10. How much for    

    A. two bottles of milk          B. two bottle of milks       

C. two bottles of milks          D. two bottle of milk


9. I'd like porridge      breakfast every morning.

    A. on     B. to          C. for           D. in


8. I want to eat something because I'm    

    A. hungry    B. thirsty         C. tired         D. full


7. Jenny      blond hair.

    A. have      B. has          C. are           D. is


6. I have a headache. I feel   

    A. happy        B. bad          C. tired          D. warm


5.-Are these your socks?


    A. Yes, they are             B. Yes, these are       

C. No, these aren't            D. No, it isn't


4. -     pants are these?

     -They're Li Ming's.

    A. Who      B. What         C. Whose        D. Which

