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27.When the fans saw Yao Ming, they got ______ excited ______ they cried out.

A.so, that        B.such, that      C.very, that       D.too, to


26.Ted will be an engineer ______ ten years because he likes making things.

A.in           B.after          C.later          D.for



Would you like robot mice to  21   the comers of your room clean? You may think that's a good idea.And some scientists are now  22   to create some robots for the future.

Maybe some screen-cleaning robots would live on your TV screen.Some dog-sized robots would take  23   of your garden.Who knows? A robot  24   even save you from a heart attack.Some day, there will be robots small  25   to go fight inside your body.



16.Where does Mrs. Green live?

A.In a big village.      B.In a big city.           C.Near a bus station.

17.How old is Mrs. Green?

A.Fifty.             B.Sixty.            C.Seventy.

18.What does she do after breakfast every morning?

A.She goes to the shop to buy something.

B.She goes to park for a walk.

C.She goes to the police station.

19.What happened to the old woman one day?

A.Two policemen caught her near the police station.

B.She fell down and broke her leg.

C.Two policemen took her back.

20.Why didn't she want to walk home?

A.Because she was ill.

B.Because she had no money to catch a bus.

C.Because she was very tired.



11.A.To stay at home.      B.To go to movies.     C.To finish his homework.

12.A.The girl.          B.The boy.         C.Neither.

13.A.Tom.          B.Cathy.         C.Grace.

14.A.He will borrow some from his friends.

B.He will get a part-time job.

C.He will buy gifts for his family.

15.A.At the library.       B.In a shop.        C.In a restaurant.



6.A.It's interesting to play computer games.

B.Don't play computer games any more.

C.You must stop to play computer games

7.A.He walked to the museum yesterday.

B.Yesterday he visited the aquarium.

C.How did he go to the museum?

8.A.He was too angry to say anything.

B.He couldn't say anything.So he was very angry.

C.What you said made him very angry.

9.A.My friend is the most popular at school.

B.I am not as popular as my best friend at school.

C.Neither my best friend nor I am popular at school

10.A.Tell me the way to the hospital.

B.I'll show you the way to the post office.

C.I don't know where the post office is.Please help me.



1.A.No, he doesn't.

B.I'm afraid he can't.

C.We're going to movies.

2.A.I can't sleep well.

B.There's something wrong with my pen.

C.Mother wants me to stay at home.

3.A.I am watching TV with my family.

B.I was reading at that time.

C.My brother was eating lunch.

4.A.Let's go now!         B.Good idea!

C.That sounds boring.How about going shopping?

5.A.Really? I'm hard-working.

B.It's none of my business.

C.Work as hard as possible.







5.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.


4.Mother wants me to drink milk.She says it's good for my health.

