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24.– Mary! You are so special that you seem different from other girls.

  – Everyone in the world is different. So, just     ! It’s the best way of life.

    A.be yourself                      B.enjoy yourself        

    C.help yourself                    D.take care of yourself


23.– Look! What a good garden!

  – Yes. It      every day.

    A.has cleaned                     B.is cleaned        

    C.cleans                         D.is being cleaned


22.– I can’t stop smoking.

  – For your health, I’m afraid you      .

    A.can           B.may           C.have to         D.must



21.You should be out playing       working indoors all day.

    A.instead         B.instead of       C.rather          D.and



16.A.In an African village.    B.In an American village.   C.In his village.

17.A.One.                B.Two.               C.Three.   

18.A.ten cents.            B.fifty cents.           C.One dollar.   

19.A.The red one.          B.The green one.        C.The yellow one.

20.A.Get out and walk.     

    B.Get out, shut the door and push the bus.

    C.Sit in the bus and go on their trip.




11.A.It was boring.         B.It was bad.           C.It was OK.

12.A.Yes, she was.         B.No, she wasn’t.        C.She didn’t tell us.

13.A.On Sunday morning.    B.On Sunday afternoon.    C.On Sunday evening.

14.A.His friends.           B.His family.            C.His teacher.

15.A.They went to play tennis.                      B.They went to see a film.  C.They went hiking.



6.  A.By bus.              B.By bike.             C.On foot.

7.  A.He is very good at English study.                   

    B.He wants to know the time.

     C.He is poor at English.

8.  A.She wants to move the man’s bag.

    B.She wants to know the time.

     C.She wants to take a seat.

9.A.In a restaurant          B.In a shop.            C.In a library.

10.A.Swimming.           B.Tennis.              C.Basketball.



1.  A.Oh, I don’t think so.    B.Thank you.           C.Yes, I agree.

2.  A.Yes, and it’s going to get hotter, I’m afraid.          

    B.Yes, it’s very cold.

     C.Yes, but I’m free this afternoon.

3.  A.What do you mean?      

    B.I like watching TV.     

     C.Yes, I do. Let’s ask him to turn it down.

4.  A.6:20.               B.$60                C.Two weeks.

5.  A.It’s not far.           B.I won’t tell you.        C.Take the No. 16 bus.


   随着“快乐大课间”在我市的全面开展,校园里出现了可喜的变化。学生的运动时间长了,运动项目增加了,学生体质增强了,学校课间生活丰富了。请以“Sports in our school”为题写一篇文章。


time for sports/kinds of sports/change of students’ health and studies/change of school life


Sports in our school






   It was getting dark,some children and two Canadian women were still skating near a big hotel.They  1   (have)a good time.

   A boy said to his friends,“I  2   (not skate)on a real lake so far.It’s wonderful!Look!I  3   (fly)!”Suddenly the ice broke.One of the boys fell into the water.The children shouted,“Help!Help!”They didn’t know what they should do.The two Canadian friends heard them and skated over   4   (help) the boy.

   The ice  5   (be)thin.The two Canadians fell into the water,too.But they tried their best  6    (save)the little boy.They knew they must  7   (be)quick,or the boy would be frozen.Many guests from the hotel   8   (run) over to help.The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last.One of the women  9   (not feel)well.She  10   (send)to hospital at once.She felt happy because the boy was safe.

1.__________  2.__________  3.__________  4.__________  5.__________

