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V.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词, 使句意完整、语法正确。(共5分)

21.C________ you help me find some information about 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on the Internet?




    A.             B.                   C.


        A.                       B.                 C.


       A.                      B.                   C.


A.                           B.                     C  .


A.                            B.                    C.


6.A.Yes, I couldn’t.    B.Sure.         C.I can help you.    D.No, I don’t.

7.A.Because it has the worst service.                   

    B.Because it’s the most expensive one.

    C.Because it always has the best quality clothing.

    D.Because the clothes there are not popular.

8.A.I have to see a doctor.              B.I have a sore throat.

  C.I should not drink hot water.         D.It doesn’t matter.

9.A.I’m going to work harder in school. 

    B.It took much time to do my homework. 

    C. I’m going to be a movie star.  

    D.I’m glad to welcome the next year.

10.A.I was busy.                  B.The weather was terrible.

    C.I don’t have a day off .            D.It was really boring. 


11.Liu Xiang is cool and tall.

12.Lucy finished her homework at eight o’clock.


13.Mary came to school in her dad’s car today.

14.Jack goes to school by bus.

15.Jim often walks to school.


Do the dishes
Do the
Sweep the floor
Take out
the trash
Clean the room
every evening
every week
three times
a week
20.________ a week
18.________a week
every afternoon


XV. 请以“My day”为题,用50词左右描述你每天通常做什么事情,以及做


提示词:usually, take a shower, go to school, go home, go to bed, every day



I. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。(句子读两遍,每小题1分,共5分。)

1.A.Yes, he does.           B.Yes, he is.                C.Yes, I am.

2.A.No, I don’t.           B.That sounds good.         C.You are welcome.

3.A.Thanks.              B.No, I can’t.              C.Yes, I do.

4.A.No, I don’t like it.       B.He likes thrillers.           C.I like action movies.

5.A.Because it’s fun.        B.He likes Chinese.           C.He likes it very much.

II. 听对话,选出合适的图片。将其序号写在横线上。其中有一幅是多余的。(对话读两遍,每小题1分,共5分。)


6.________ 7._________ 8._________ 9.________ 10._________

III. 听一段对话,判断正误(正确的写T;错误的写F)。(对话读三遍,每空1分,共5分。)

 (   ) 11.Bob’s favorite sport is basketball.

(    ) 12.Bob thinks ping-pong is exciting.

(    ) 13.Bob often plays ping-pong at home.

(    ) 14.Bob has two P.E. classes in a week.

(    ) 15.Bob likes P.E. because his P.E. teacher Mr. Brown is funny.

IV. 听短文,选择最佳答案。(短文读三遍,每小题1分,共5分。)

(    ) 16.Yang Lei’s birthday is __________. 

        A.July 15th         B.June 17th             C.July 17th

(    ) 17.He can play __________ very well.

        A.baseball and volley ball  B.basketball and volleyball   C.tennis and basketball

(    ) 18.He often plays the piano __________.

        A.after school       B.in the school          C.in class

(    ) 19.He thinks science is really __________.

        A.interesting        B.exciting              C.difficult  

(    ) 20.On weekends, he often goes to the movies with his __________.

        A.parents          B.friends              C.brother


V. 根据上下文和首字母,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整、语法正确。(5分)

21.The fifth month of the year is M__________.

22.Liu Xiang is a running s___________. He runs very fast.

23.I like bananas b__________ I don’t like apples.

24.–What club do you want to j_________? –The music club.

25.My father is very b__________. He works late every day.

VI. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

26.Gina’s mother is a teacher, and _______ father is a teacher, too. (she)

27.How much ___________ (be) these pants?

28.School Day is on September ____________ (seven).

29.We all like ____________ (comedy). They are funny.

30.Paul often ____________ (get) up at 6:15.

VII. 选择方框中合适的单词填空。(5分)

hours   your    takes   for    learn

31.Can you dance? We need three musicians _________ our rock band.

32.Every morning he __________ the number 240 bus to work.

33.How old is __________ sister? She looks young.

34.I go to the English classes for two ___________ every Saturday.

35.Jane goes to see Beijing Opera because she wants to _________ about Chinese history.

VIII. 选择填空。(15分)

(    ) 36.Tom can play ________ drums very well.

    A.a           B.an              C.the             D./

(    ) 37.What do you have ________ lunch?

    A.at           B.in               C.on              D.for

(    ) 38.I usually watch TV ________ Sunday.

    A.in           B.on               C.at              D.with

(    ) 39.–________ are the socks?  --Only $ 5.

    A.How many    B.How old          C.How            D.How much

(    ) 40.School ________ at 8:00.

    A.starts        B.start           C.to start          D.starting

(    ) 41.I usually ________ at 9:30 at night.

    A.go to school   B.go to bed        C.get up           D.have breakfast

(    ) 42.You can ________ in our school’s Art Festival.

    A.be          B.are              C.is              D.am

(    ) 43. ________ your birthday March 16th?

    A.It’s          B.Is              C.Are             D.That’s

(  ) 44.–Happy birthday! –________.

    A.You are welcome.                B.Not at all.           

    C.Thank you.                     D.Yes, please. 

(    ) 45.–Do you like fruit?  –Yes, I like________best.

    A.potatoes   B.chicken            C.broccoli          D.oranges

(    ) 46.–________ does he like blue?

–Because the color makes him happy.

    A.What        B.When            C.Why            D.How

(    ) 47.People love to listen to _________!

    A.him         B.she             C.he              D.their

(    ) 48.New Year’s Day is _______.

    A.June 1st                         B.August 1st

    C.January 1st                      D.April 1st

(  ) 49.–What time is it now?  --It’s _________.

   A.November 30th                  B.Monday

   C.9:00                          D.three days

(    ) 50.–Let’s play soccer.  –_________.

    A.That sounds good                B.No, I don’t

    C.You’re welcome                  D.Sorry, I am not

IX. 句型转换,每空一词。(10分)

51.My birthday is August 3rD(对划线部分提问)

  __________ __________ your birthday?

52.I watch TV in the evening.  (变成一般疑问句)

   __________ you __________ TV in the evening?

53.Are these your pants? (给出否定回答)

   __________, they __________.

54.I usually have supper at 7 o’clock.  (就划线部分提问)

   __________ __________ do you usually have supper?

55.Victor likes French fries and salaD.(变成否定句)

    Victor __________ like French fires __________ salad.


X. 从对话后的方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(5分)

A: Can I ask you a question?

B: What is it?

A: 56____________

B: September 20th. 57 _____________

A: It’s January 10th.

B: January 10th? 58____________

A: Yes, next Friday is my birthday.

B: How do you want to celebrate(庆祝) it?

A: 59____________

B: Let’s have a birthday party. I think many friends can come and we can have a 

  great time.

A: 60_______________

A.That sounds great!      B.When is your birthday?
C.I don’t know.        D.What about your birthday?
E. Your birthday is coming!

XI. 从B栏里找出A栏中各句的相应答语,B栏中有两项多余。(5分)

        A                              B

(  ) 61.Your T-shirt is very nice.              A.Yes, it is.

(  ) 62.Who is your favorite actor?            B.Yes, I am.

(  ) 63.What’s your e-mail address?           C.Jackie Chan.

(  ) 64.When do people have dinner?           D.In the evening.

(  ) 65.Is your last class at 4:00?              E.It’s ant123@.

                                       F.Thank you.

                                       G.Yes, please.

XII. 根据上下文填空,每空一词。(5分)

A: Can I (66)________ you?

B: Yes, please. I (67)__________ a sweater for my son.

A: What (68) _________ do you want?

B: Black. He likes black.

A: What about this sweater? It’s nice.

B: How much is it?

A: It’s only 15 dollars.

B: OK. I’ll (69) __________ it. Thank you.

A: You’re (70)__________.




提示:   1.backpack: new, black and white

           2.Name: Lucy

           3.Telephone number: 928-682




81. --What       these?

--They’re      .

82.--Does your father like to eat      ?

--No, he      .

83. --Is this your      ?

--No, it      . It’s hers.

84. --Hi!

    --Hello. I’m Victor.       your name?

--My name is Ann.      !

--Nice to meet you, too.

85. --       the computer?

--It’s       the desk.



  A. Yes, he does.   B. It’s delicious.   C. What’s this in English?
  D. No, I don’t.   E. How do you spell it?

A: Hello! Mike!

B: Hello! Lucy! 76.      .

A: It’s an apple.

B: 77.     

A: A-P-P-L-E.

B: Do you like it?

A: 78.       But my brother likes it very much.

B: Does he like chicken?

A: 79.       What about you?

B: I like it, too.80.     

A: But we should (应该) eat lots of healthy food every day.

B: Yes, You are right.

76.       77.       78.       79.       80.       



  evening, Dale, pen, go, can, nice, thank, hi, quilt, orange

name 66.     
map 67.       68.       
he 69.     
Helen 70.     
Fine 71.       72.       
milk 73.     
OK 74.     
dog 75.     

