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47.(  )I don’t have a present. ______ everyone brings a present?

        A.Do you know                B.What about       

        C.Even though                 D.What if


46.(  ) ______ people came to Jilin to visit Mount Changbai every year.

A.Thousand of                 B.Thousands       

C.Thousands of                D.Thousand


45.(  )Jenny used to be afraid of the dark, _____ she?

        A.used                       B.didn’t use          

        C.did                        D.didn’t


44.(  )If I were you, I’d talk to someone _____ looks friendly.

        A.who’s      B.whose         C.who           D.which


43.(  )The hair band might ______ Linda, because she has long hair.

        A.belongs to                   B.is belong to       

        C.is belonged to                D.belong to


42.(  )--- What ______ we do if we had a million dollars?

     --- That’s only a dream.

      A.must       B.would          C.will           D.do


41.(  )--- I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends at night.

     --- ________. It’s not safe enough.

        A.I disagree                   B.I think so           

        C.I agree                     D.I don’t know


40.--- What is your English teacher like?

     --- ______.

        A.She likes fruit and vegetables     B.She is very kind

C.She is fine                   D.She is 35


39.The young lady eats ______meat, so she’s ______ fat.

        A.much too, too much           B.too much, much too

C.too much, too much           D.much too, much too


38.--- I like to spend my free time drawing pictures.

          --- ______.

        A.So I am     B.So am I        C.So I do        D.So do I

