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Ⅹ. 根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词),使对话完整。(10分)

(Li Lei and his classmates are in a museum. Now he is introducing an invention to a foreign student.)

Melissa: Look! This looks so interesting. There are dragons and frogs on it.

Li Lei:  Ah, it’s a great    56   of ancient China.

Melissa: Really?    57    was it invented?

Li Lei:  I think it was invented in Han Dynasty(汉朝).

Melissa:       58       ? 

Li Lei:  Guess!

Melissa: Was it used for holding water?

Li Lei:  No. It was used for testing earthquakes.

Melissa: Really? But how?

Li Lei:  Read this instruction, and       59      .

Melissa: Wow, it’s really     60    . The Chinese are great.



(Winter vacation is coming. Jane and Alice are talking about their vacation plan.)

Jane: ________51__________

Alice: Let’s go to Kunming.

Jane: _________52_________ But how are we going there?

Alice: How about taking the train?

Jane: Well, I don’t want to spend much time on the train.

Alice: _______53________

Jane: I agree. But we need to book(预定) tickets beforehand(提前).

Alice: I see. ________54_______

Jane: It's really kind of you. Thanks a lot.

Alice: _______55________

A. Where are you going?

B. Where shall we go for vacation?

C. That sounds like a good idea!

D. Let’s go there by plane then.

E. I’ll phone the airport tomorrow.

F. It’s a pleasure.


50.(  ) It’s very dangerous for you to go _____ the forest by yourself.

          A. along          B. across       C. on           D. through


49.(  ) --- I hope to visit Hawaii some day.

--- _____. I like places where the weather is always warm.

  A. I hope not      B. I think so     C. I do, too       D. I agree


48.(  ) The microwave oven _____ things.

          A. is used for cooking             B. used to cook   

  C. is used to cooking              D. is used as cooking


47.(  ) We don’t have enough time to prepare for the party, so we have to ____.

          A. put off it       B. put it off      C. put it down     D. put down it


46.(  ) Most children _____ watching TV _____ reading books.

          A. prefer, to       B. rather, than    C. will, instead of  D. like, than


45.(  )---Could you tell me _____ a robot that can think like a human?

         ---It won’t be too long, I think.

         A. when will we invent           B. when we will invent

  C. when did we invent            D. when we invent


44.(  ) The injured man _____ to the hospital an hour ago.

  A. takes          B. took        C. was taken     D. is taken

