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21.There is a bank on ________ side of the street.

A.another      B.the other       C.other        D.the others


20.She eats ________ food, so she is ________ fat.

A.much too, too much              B.much too, too many

C.too much, too                D.too much, too many


19.He ________ leave ________ he finished reading the magazine.

A.doesn't, until                 B.doesn't, and

C.didn't , until                 D.didn't , or


18.What ________ Mrs. Read usually ________ on weekends?

A.is, do         B.does, does      C.do, do         D.does, do


17.--________ do your pen pals write to you?

--Twice a month.

A.How often       B.How many      C.When        D.How


16.--________ students are good at drawing in your class?

-- Only one.

A.Which         B.How many      C.How much       D.What




6.A.Happy birthday.

B.Have a nice time.

C.I'd love to.But I have to help my father on the farm.

7.A.They are playing basketball.

B.It must be a fine day.

C.Sorry, I can't.

8.A.Thanks for your invitation.

B.I'm glad.

C.Maybe another time.

9.A.Yes, Andrew is taller.

B.No, Sam is taller than Andrew.

C.No, Sam is as tall as Andrew.

10.A.Hurry up.

B.Thank you all the same.

C.Why not?


11.A.To play basketball.

B.To play football.

C.To play table tennis.

12.A.He is ill.

B.He does well in his homework.

C.He is fine.

13.A.To listen to music every day.

B.To listen to and read English every day.

C.To read Chinese every day.

14.A.They are going to see a movie.

B.They are going to the zoo.

C.They are going to the park.

15.A.She is going to see her friends.

B.She is going to see her grandparents.

C.She is.going hiking with her friends.





B.2008奥运会即将在北京举行。你愿意做一名志愿者吗?你愿意为奥运会做些什么? 从现在开始为了实现你的愿望,你应该怎样做呢? 请以I want to be a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games. 为题,写一写你的想法。 (10分)

提示:1.Would you like to be a volunteer?

2.What will you volunteer to do for the 2008 Olympic Games?

    3.How are you going to do that?




Hard work leads to great success!

