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1.(   )A.By learning to forget.        B.By memorizing grammar.

  C.By making some new friends.

2.(   )A.Really? Isn’t it too hot?       B.You’d better take some warm clothes.

  C.Why not travel alone?

3.(   )A.Wait until someone introduce himself to you.

  B.Just eat and drink, don’t mind others.

  C.Try talking with someone who looks friendly.

4.(   )A.Good idea.         B.I don’t want to.    C.Yes, I will go with you.

5.(   )A.Tell her to sleep with her bedroom light on.

  B.Tell her to sleep in the day.

  C.Tell her not to go home.



A.        B.        C.        D.

1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       


a. hair band
b. T-shirt
c. French-book
d. baseball
e. backpack
f. CD
g. keys
(   )1.Peter

2.(   )Tony

3.(   )Gina

4.(   )Anna

5.(   )Mr Wu


1.(   )It’s a story about ____________.

          A.a girl who had one arm.

          B.a boy who had one eye

          C.a boy who had one leg.

2.(   )After the operation(手术) __________.

          A.he still had the some life

          B.he had a different life.

          C.he left his country.

3.(   )Sam traveled around England at the age of ___________.

          A.10               B.20               C.12

4.(   )People raised money for ___________.

          A.Sam himself        B.cancer research     C.Sam’s family

5.(   )From the article, we can know that Sam. _____________.

          A.brave             B.shy              C.poor





61.What’s this in English?           .

62.A:           B: They are on the table.

63.Is he your brother?       . He is my friend.

64.Does Tony have a soccer ball? No,         

65.Do you like an ice – cream? B : Yes,         .


Dear Mike

Here is my family photo.                             






My name is Kate Brown. I am nineteen. My phone number is 398 – 80275. My mobile (移动的) telephone number is 13003524688. His name is David Hand. His phone number 276 – 53914.


56.(  )David is nineteen.

57.(  )His first name is Hand.

58.(  )I have (有) a mobile telephone.

59.(  )My telephone is three – nine – eight – eight – zero – two – seven – five.

60.(  )His mobile number is one – three – o – o –three – five – two – four – six – eight – eight.





51.(  )If (假如) your watch is lost, you should call      .

        A.439 – 6175      B.458 – 7700      C.458 – 3216      D.465 - 0921

52.(  )Linda’s     is lost.

        A.duck          B.cat            C.blue backpack    D.school ID card

53.(  )Alan found an English – Chinese dictionary      .

        A.on his desk      B.under his desk    C.in his desk      D.behind his desk

54.(  )If you found a school ID card, it may be (可能)     .

        A.Alan’s         B.Paul’s          C.Gina’s         D.Jim’s

55.(  )Gina found      .

        A.a white and black cat              B.a blue backpack

        C.a red dictionary                  D.an English – Chinese dictionary




soccer ball





   Tom, Bill and Kate 46     sports, but (但是) they 47      the same (相同的) sports. Tom likes baseball 48     soccer ball. 49     likes tennis and soccer ball. Kate doesn’t like 50    .

46.(  )A.like         B.likes           C.are            D.aren’t

47.(  )A.have        B.don’t like       C.like           D.are

48.(  )A.but         B.and           C.or            D.so

49.(  )A.Kate        B.Tom           C.Bill            D.Tome and Bill

50.(  )A.baseball      B.tennis          C.soccer ball      D.A and C



I’m Jane. This is my room. The TV and the video tapes are on the table. Where’s my backpack? It’s not on the table. Oh! It’s on the bed. My pencils aren’t on the desk. They’re in my pencil case and it’s in my backpack. My alarm clock, my ID card, and my keys are on the dresser.


41.(  )We don’t know Jane’s     .

        A.first name       B.last name       C.video tapes      D.pencils

42.(  )My bag is      .

        A.on the table      B.on the dresser    C.on the bed      D.on the desk

43.(  )My pencil case has some     .

        A.pencils         B.keys           C.video tapes      D.A and B

44.(  )My pencil case is     .

        A.on the desk      B.on the table      C.in the backpack   D.in the drawer

45.(  )The      are on the dresser.

        A.pencil case and ID card             B.alarm clock and keys

        C.ID card and TV                  D.keys and backpack



16.(  )Hello, Anna. How are you?           A.They’re on your desk.

17.(  )What color is your sofa?            B.Yes, he is.

18.(  )What’s in your bag?               C.That sounds fun.

19.(  )What’s your telephone number?       D.Thank you.

20.(  )Sit down, please.                  E.No, I don’t.

21.(  )Is he your friend?                 F.It’s white.

22.(  )Do you have a volleyball?            G.Some books.

23.(  )Let’s play sports.                 H.Fine, thank you. And you?

24.(  )Are your keys one the sofa?          I.Yes, they are.

25.(  )Where are the CDs?               J.It’s 0779 – 2032525.


15.(  )Thanks    the photo     your family.

        A.of, for         B.for, for         C.for, of


