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36.(   ) My grandparents eat  _________ healthy food every day.

A. many       B. lot           C. lots of         D. lot of


35.(   ) -Is that Bill's pencil ease?


A. yes, that is     B. No, it isn't     C. Yes, they are       D. No, he isn't


34.(   ) Please call Mrs. Green _________0535 -8181616.

A. in         B. on      C. at       D. of


33.(   ) I have ________ soccer ball. Let's play________soccer.

A. a, the       B. /, a         C. a, /      D. the, a


32.(   ) -________.

      -Yes, please. I want a red T- shirt.

A. How are you?               B. Excuse me.

C. Can I help you?               D. What's your name?


31.(   ) -________ is your watch?

      -It's eighty yuan.

A. How much     B. What       C. How        D. What color


30.(   ) We have socks _________ white, black and red _________only 2 yuan.

A. at, for      B. in, for           C. for, in   D. in, on


29.(   ) -Is the girl Ben's sister?


A. Yes, he is    B. No, he isn't       C. Yes, she is  D. No, it isn't


28.(   ) Your math book is not _________ the sofa. It's _________ the floor.

A. in; in       B. on; in         C. on; on       D. in; on


27.(   ) Your uncle's _________ is your cousin.

A. father       B. mother         C. daughter   D. sister

