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29.(   )--How did you spend the weekend?


     A. I stayed at home               B. It is boring

     C. No, I didn't             D. It's very interesting.


28.(   ) --Where    she go yesterday?

     --She      her uncle with her father.

     A. does ; visits       B. did ; visited       C. did ; visits    D. does ; visited


27.(   ) It was sunny last Sunday. We had fun       in the river.

     A. to swim        B. swam        C. swimming       D. swim


26. Some students go to school by boat. That must be a lot      fun than taking a      bus!

     A. very         B. much            C. most       D. more


25.(   ) My friend John practiced     the guitar last year.

     A. play          B. to play        C. playing        D. played


24.(   ) It's time      our PE class and it's also time      play volleyball.

     A. to, for.        B. for, for      C. for, to        D. to, to


23.(   ) --      is it from your school to the shopping center?       

--It is about two kilometers.      

A. How far       B. How long       C. How often     D. How much


22. I have two brothers. One is a doctor,       is a teacher.

     A. the other       B. other       C. others       D. another


21.(   ) It took them tree hours      the hard work.

     A. finish           B. finishing     C. to finish       D. finished



    Mr. Zhang lives quite (16)     from school. So he (17)     up early every morning. After a quick light breakfast at home, he (18)      to the bus stop. He takes a No.11 bus to school. It (19)     takes him around 40 minutes. I never find him (20)       for school.

