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22.Because of the large population,we are ________ energy and water.

   A.full of       B.proud of    C.short of      D.fond of



21.一By the way,where’s Jane?

   一She ______ to the library.

   A.goes     B.went     C.has gone D.has been



1.A.Sometimes.       B.Always.         C.8 hours.

2.A.Five days.       B.Often.      C.Three times.

3.A.Yes.        B.No         C.Just so-so.

4.A.You should go swimming.

  B.You should lie down and rest.

  C.You should call her up.

5.A.I have enough money.  B.I have a cold.     C.I have a new bike.


6.A.Because Yang Liwei is all astronaut.

B.Because Yang Liwei is the l st Chinese astronaut to go into space.

C.Because Yang Liwei is a Chinese.

7.A.Sad.        B.Excited.     C.Worried.

8.A.Second.         B.Third.      C.Three.

9.A.Computers changed the world.

  B.Computers can do all kinds of things.

  C.Computers are useful but they Call also bring trouble.

10.A.She wants to send e-mails.

   B.She wants to use the man’s computer.

   C.She wants the man to teach her how to send e-mails.


11.What’s the maching used for?

   A.Cutting apples.    B.Holding food.     C.Cutting vegetables.

12.What does the man think of the machine?

   A.Too cheap.          B.Beautiful.    C.Useless.

13.Where was it made?

   A.In Shanghai.     B.In Germany.     C.In Canada.

14.How much did the woman spend on it?

   A.I5yuau.        B.50dollars.       C.50yuan.

15.How long has the woman had the machine?

   A.For two weeks.      B.For two days.       C.For twenty days.


16.When did the woman arrive in London?

   A.In the morning.      B.In the afternoon.      C.At night.

17.Where did the woman want to go?

   A.To go to her house.    B.To go to her hotel. C.To go to her office.

18.Was the man all Englishman?

   A.Yes.he was.       B.No,he wasn’t.   C.The story doesn’t tell us.

19.How was the man’s English?

   A.His English was quite good.

   B.His English was not good enough.

   C.His English was like Japanese.

20.What can we know from the story?

   A.The English learned in class was not very good.

   B.The man’s English was very bad.

   C.People spoke English differently.


以My day 为题写一篇40-50词的短文,介绍一下。你一天的生活情况。



Danny:    26    ?

Jenny: They’re shorts.

Danny:   27     ?

Jenny: No, they are new. I get them today.   28    .

Danny: Is green your favourite colour?

Jenny: Yes, it is my favourite.

Danny:    29    ?

Jenny: Fifty yuan.

Danny: Do you like them?

Jenny:   30   .

A. How much is it

B. Sure

C. What are these

D. They are for my birthday

E. Are they old

F. No, I am not

G. How much are they


25. We _____(not have) any sandwiches or milk


24. ______(close) the window, please!


23. What colour_____(be) your hair?


22. It’s time ______ (go) to school


21. Li Ming_____(do) his homework in the evening

