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   There are five people in Tom’s family.They  36  his grandfather,father,mother,sister and he.His father,Mr.Green,is a doctor.  37  is thirty-nine.  38  mother,Mrs.Green,is a teacher.She is thirty-seven.Tom  39  his sister Kate are in their mother’s school.They’re both  40  Class Two,Grade Seven.

   41  !  42  old man is Tom’s grandfather.He is  43  .He is at home every day.  44  is Kate ? Look at the girl  45  a red skirt.She is Kate.She is under(在……下面)the tree.

36.A.is       B.are           C.have

37.A.He       B.She      C.His

38,A.He      B.She          C.His

39.A.with         B.or          C.and

40.A.in       B.of       C.to

41.A.Look        B.Look at          C.See

42.A.A          B.An         C.The

43.A.young    B.old       C.small

44.A.Whose    B.What         C.Where

45.A.in       B.at           C.to


35.Miss Wang teaches __________English.we all like __________.

   A.US;her      B.our;her      C.we;she


34.一 ____________?

   一It’s ten o’clock.

   A.What’s your telephone number

   B.What about your number

   C.What’s the time in Harbin.


33.一What do they do?

一They are ____________ .

   A.woman doctor    B.women doctors     C.woman doctors


32.一How much rice do you want?

   一I want __________ rice.please.

   A.two kilos B.half a kilo         C.two kilos of


31.一__________,Baby Monkey?

  一I Can’t find my home.

   A.What do you do    B.How are you. C.What’s wrong with you


29.一How do you like the food?

   A.I’m full.        B.Very.nice           C.I like it

30 L00k! The bus is on fire(着火).We should call __________ .

A.122      B.110        C.119

