0  134797  134805  134811  134815  134821  134823  134827  134833  134835  134841  134847  134851  134853  134857  134863  134865  134871  134875  134877  134881  134883  134887  134889  134891  134892  134893  134895  134896  134897  134899  134901  134905  134907  134911  134913  134917  134923  134925  134931  134935  134937  134941  134947  134953  134955  134961  134965  134967  134973  134977  134983  134991  447090 

19.--I'm sorry to hear that Bill failed the exam again.

--Don't worry about him.I'm sure that he will never give up until he       

A.succeed         B.succeeds         C.succeeded


18.Good manner usually help people to        each other.

A.get on well with    B.get started        C.get together


17.--How long        the film KING KONG      ?

--For just several minutes.

A.did; begin         B.has; begun           C.has; been on


16.Mount Qomolangma,"the roof(屋脊)of the world", is as        as 8844.43 meters.

A.high           B.higher           C.highest


15.My school isn't far from here.It's only         walk.

A.fifteen minutes     B.fifteen minutes'     C.fifteen minute's


14.Cars cause most of Beijing's air pollution.So the "No Car Day" campaign (活动) asks Beijing drivers       their cars at home one day each month.

A.leave            B.leaving          C.to leave


13.The boy was able to         himself when he was very young.

A.dress          B.wear           C.put on


12.--What are you going to give your mother for her birthday?

--I'm not sure.But I'll buy her      

A.something special   B.anything special    C.special something


11.I'm a football fan.I'm interested in everything       is about the 2006 World Cup.

A.who          B.that            C.where


10.--How long may I       this book?

--Less than two weeks.

A.borrow         B.keep            C.take             D.watch

