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11. A. Clean-up Day.       B. Tree-planting Day.          C. Mother's Day.

12. A. Because they want to ask their teachers for help.

  B. Because they want to ask some students for help.

  C. Because they want to ask foreign volunteers for help.

13. A. To clean up their school.   B. To clean up some public places.    C. Both A and B.

14. A. The old people.       B. The disabled people.

C. The homeless people.

15. A. Cook meals for them.     B. Clean up their houses.   C. Wash clothes for them.



6. A. She has gone to her hometown.     B. She is returning from her hometown.

C. She is leaving for her hometown.

7. A. Yes, I can.       B. No, I can't.          C. Yes, I do.

8. A. Oliver.        B. Tom.            C. Mary.

9. A. At 6:35.          B. At 5:55.           C. At 5:45.

10. A. Very good.        B. Quite interesting.           C. Very difficult.



1. A. I'm sorry to hear that. B. It doesn't matter this time.     C. That's all right.

2. A. I don't, either.           B. Me, too.          C. No, I don't.

3. A. Sure.            B. Great.             C. I'd love to.

4. A. I often read in the morning.  B. No. I haven't.         C. By working with a group.

5. A. Yes, I think it helps.       B. I like listening.        C. No, I haven't.





get up
have breakfast
go to school
classes begin
have lunch
play sports
go home
have supper
do homework
go to bed

Tom's  Day


   June  1   action movies, and she often goes  2   Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very 3  . She thinks documentaries are boring, 4   she doesn't like  5  .She thinks they are scary. She   6   likes Beijing Opera. Some  7   don't like it, but she thinks it very.8  She thinks she can   9   Chinese history. She with his friends 10   to see Beijing Open.

1. A. really like    B. like really   C. really likes         D. likes really

2. A. seeing    B. to see     C. see              D. sees

3. A. exciting       B. boring   C. difficult            D. sad

4. A. but      B. so      C. or              D. and

5. A. comedies       B. thrillers  C. action movies       D. documentaries

6. A. too       B. either   C. also             D. often

7. A. people      B. peoples    C. English          D. Chineses

8. A. interesting      B. boring    C. scary               D. exciting

9. A. thinks of     B. think of    C. learns about        D. learn about

10. A. has      B. go      C. wants           D. find



-- Nice to meet you.


-- I'm Maria. ②_________

-- My name's Tom. ③_________

-- I guess it's a pencil.

--- And ④________

-- Yes. P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.

--- Thank you.

--- You're welcome.

--- Is it your pencil ?

--- ⑤______________________________. It's Li Lei's.

A.No.it isn’t.
B.It’s yellow.
C.Can you spell it?
D.What’s that in English?
E.Nice to meet you,too.
F.What’s your name?
G.What color is it?


5. 我最喜欢的学科是科学。

  __________________ ______________subject is science.


4. 你会弹吉他吗?

______________ you __________________the guitar?

