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62.The ice is too thin.It's dangerous to s _______ on it.


61.What do you think of Funky Fashions?

I think it's the w ______.It has really bad service.



Exercise is so good for you because it can help you to keep fit and healthy.It is not enough just to eat a healthy diet.Exercise is important too.Exercise will make your muscles(肌肉)stronger.There are about 600 muscles in the body.They move your bones and let you move your joints(关节).If you do not exercise your muscles,they will be weaker and smaller.one of the most important muscles in the body is the heart.To exercise your heart, you need to do something like swimming, or playing a game in which you run about.This will make you breathe more deeply and make your heart and lungs stronger.One of the places where you can exercise is at school.In school, children have PE lessons that help them to keep fit and well.Try to exercise at least three times a week because exercise is good for you!

Answer the following questions in English after you have read the passage above:

56.Why is exercise good for you?

57.Is the heart one of the most important muscles?

58.Which is better to exercise your heart,running or walking?

59.How often do you have to exercise in order to keep fit according to the passage?

60.What do you like doing in your PE lessons?




Fred can make all kinds of shoes and his skills are better than his workmates' in the workplace.The boss likes him and pays him a lot.But he never tidies his room or washes his clothes.He spends much time in watching football games on TV.So he always wears dirty clothes.

One day his friend introduced a girl named Berry to him at a party.She was very beautiful.The young man loved her at once.They talked a lot while they were dancing.After that they often met in the park or at the cinema.When he asked the girl to marry him, she said she had to ask permission(允许)of her parents.

Several days later, Betty told Fred on the telephone that her parents would ask him to dinner that evening.The young man understood what it meant.He was very happy, but all his clothes were dirty, so he hurried to a shop to buy a suit of new clothes.But before he left, he remembered he hadn't bought new socks.He had to bring out all his socks, but they were all dirty.He thought for a while and found a way and put them on.He went there on time with expensive presents.The girl's parents were friendly to him.But soon the woman found his socks were dirty and asked him why.He said in a hurry, "Oh, I've had my socks on inside out!"

5l.The boss pays Fred much because _______.

A.Fred works there for long

B.Fred is young and kind to him

C.the boss likes the young man very much

D.the young man’s skills are the best in his workplace

52.The young man often wears dirty clothes because _______.

A.he is busy working all the time           B.he has no time to wash his clothes

C.he can't wash them                       D.they are all old

53.The man was happy because _______.

A.Betty’s parents asked him to dinner

B.he likes all kinds of nice food

C.Betty's parents would probably agree to marry(嫁)Betty to him

D.he was glad to know Betty’s parents

54._______, so he bought a suit of new ones.

A.Fred's clothes were all dirty             B.Fred didn’t like to wear the old clothes

C.The clothes in the shop were cheap        D.Betty wanted Fred to wear new clothes

55.What does the sentence “I've had my socks on inside out!” mean?

A.“我把袜子穿错了!”               B.“我把里袜外穿了!”

C.“我把袜子穿反了!”               D.“我把袜子穿倒了!”



One day Mr. and Mrs. Green drove to a shop.They stopped the car in front of the shop.An hour later they came back to the car with a lot of things.They wanted to put the things in the car, but Mrs. Green could not open the car door.Then Mr. Green gave all the things to Mrs. Green.He put the key into the lock and turned it, but he couldn’t open it!

“Oh dear,” said Mr. Green.“What’s wrong with it? We can’t open the door!”

“Let’s ask the policeman.” Mrs. Green said.

The policeman came and helped them. Soon he got the door open.The Greens thanked him. At that time a man came up and shouted angrily(怒吼), "What are you doing with my car?" Mr. and Mrs. Green looked at the number of the car, and their face turned red.Their car is next to the man's car!

46.The Greens went shopping _______.

A.by bus        B.by car        C.on foot           D.by bike

47.They were in the shop _______ and bought a lot of things.

A.for an hour                        B.more than an hour

C.an hour later                        D.less than an hour

48._______ opened the car door very soon.

A.Mrs. Green                        B.Mr. Green

C.The policeman                       D.Nobody

49.Why was the man angry? Because _______.

A.he couldn't find his car                B.the policeman drove his car away

C.other people opened his car           D.his car was broken

50.The Greens didn't open the car because _______.

A.it wasn't their car               B.there was something wrong with it

C.they had a lot of things in their hand       D.they left the key at home


35.Which book do you think is _______ of the two?

The red one.

A.the most interesting                   B.more interesting

C.most interesting                      D.the more interesting


34.We didn't go out to play _______ the bad weather.

A.because         B.because of           C.at              D.for


33. _______ do you go skating?

Once a week.

A.How often           B.How many       C.When           D.How long


32.He likes to _______ funny stories to make people _______.

A.say,laugh                        B.talk,to laugh

C.tell,laugh                       D.speak,laughing

