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Erik(E), a singer from the Swedish rock band, wants to meet his friend in the Green Leaf Clothing Factory in Linyi. He needs help. A girl(G) passes by.

E: Excuse me, Miss. Do you speak English?

G: Yes.    66    .

E: You see, I am going to the Green Leaf Clothing Factory. But I have lost the address.

G:    67    . You're nearly getting to it. Walk along this road and take the first turning on the left. Then you can see a big gate with a sign of a green leaf on it.

E: Thank you very much, bye.

G: Err…   68   .

E: What's up?

G: Are you Erik of the Swedish rock band?

E: Oh?    69    .

G: Yes, I enjoyed the music very much.

Can I have your signature (签名), please?

E:    70    .

G: Here, on the sweater, please, thank you.

E: Thank you!


35.-Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone?

-    . I enjoy using QQ.

    A.Neither         B.Either          C.None         D.Both


34.-I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long.

-    .

    A.I don’t think so              B.Don’t say so 

    C.It doesn’t matter               D.You are right.


33.-How did you feel about the party last night, Jack ?

-Which party? I ______ to the party.

    A.wasn’t invited               B.was invited  

    C.am not invited               D.am invited


32.-Look. She looks very sad because of that test.

-Don’t worry. I would do something to ________.

    A.take after her               B.cheer her up  

    C.call her up                D.fix her up

