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Peter was an office worker. He worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss(老板)  41  to him,“Peter, I want you  42  to  London,to an office there, to  43  Mr. Brown. ”

Peter went to London  44  train. When he got to London, he thought, “The office isn’t far from here, I can go there on foot. I’ll  45  it easily. ”

But after an hour, he was still looking for it, he stopped and asked an old woman. She said, “Go along this street, turn left at the end, and it’s the second building on the right.” Peter went and found  46  . A few days  47  , he went to London  48  , he did not find the office,  49   he asked someone in the street. It was  50  same old woman. She was very surprised and said, “Are you still looking for that place? ”

41. A. told         B. said        C. asked       D. showed

42. A. go         B. reach       C. to go       D. to reach

43. A. see         B. look        C. watch     D. look at

44. A. on          B. at          C. by      D. find

45. A. look for           B. look at        C. look       D. find

46. A. it          B. one        C. the other     D. another

47. A. after         B. ago        C. later       D. before

48. A. again         B. too          C. so      D. because

49. A. but         B. so        C. too        D. or

50. A. a           B. an         C. the        D. that


40.People hardly replace any of them when they cut down so many trees every year, _______?

A. don’t they                   B. don’t people 

C. do they                       D. do people


39.I don’t want to see this film. It’s _______ that one.

A. as exciting as                B. as boring    

C. less exciting than              D. not boring as


38.You’d better _______ water as soon as you finish running.

A. drink not                  B. not drink

C. don’t drink                  D. not to drink

