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第三节  补全对话(1题,满分10分 )


    参考词汇:long history, beautiful views, tour guide, relaxing, educational, friendly 听力底稿及答案


第一节 补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)


A: Hello, Lin Feng! 81.     

B: Yes. I am. My ancestors have been living in Tibet for a long time.

A: 82.         

B: They’re supposed to put one hand on the chest(胸部) and bow.

A: Really? That’s interesting. But I hear many animals there are being killed, is that so?

B: Yes. Especially the endangered animals.

A: 83              

B: It makes me angry. Because killing animals can destroy the balance of the nature.

A: 84.          

B: Of course. The government has passed can destroy the balance of the nature.

A: 85.            

B: Of course. The government has passed laws to protect them.

A: Great. In fact, 86.      

B: That’s true!



Do you know that a fast reader can get the ideas better than a slow reader can? Of course, you save time by reading fast, but it is not the main reason for fast reading. The main reason is that you understand better what you are reading when you read fast.

As your eyes move along the line of a book, they make fixations (注视).It is important that you see several words at a fixation. It is also important that your eyes leave a group of words quickly and move on to another group. The number of letters or words that you see at a fixation are called your eye span(视福).With practice you can learn to read faster than you usually read.

The way in which you read always has something to do with what you are reading and why you are reading. You should know the different ways of reading so that you can use the right and necessary way. Here are four ways of reading. but not  all; they may help you read faster.

1.Skimming (浏览)is an important kind of reading. It  can be used when you wish to go over something that you have forgotten. You may skim to find a lost place of a sentence that you have read and can’t remember. You may skim to get an idea of a story.

2. Fast first reading and then rereading certain parts carefully is important .You may use this kind of reading to study a science lesson or a history lesson.

3. You need to do careful reading and rereading some times. This kind of reading is necessary for making a careful study of the main school subjects, working out math problems, studying rules for playing a game, or reading directions.

4. Fast reading is used when you read stories for pleasure. You may also do fast reading when going over the lessons you have already known well.


Advantages of fast reading
Ways of fast reading
79.Fast first reading and then     
80.          and rereading sometimes.
Fast reading is used when you read stories for pleasure



  Liu Chengbi can’t wait to celebrate the Spring Festival. The 14-year-old boy in Beijing wants to see his grandmother in Sichuan. “I am busy with study. I  don’t have time to visit her.” He said.“But during Spring Festival, we should be together.

Liu is not alone. Millions of Chinese people work or study away from their hometowns. Most of them are college students and migrant workers(民工).Spring Festival is the most important time for them to see their families. At the end of each year, they get ready to go home.

During the 2007 Spring Festival, people will make 2.7 billion trips. Are there enough trains or ships?②Last Spring Festival. 4.500 more trains were added. But it was still not enough. Usually, a train can hold about 2,000 people. But some trains held almost 5,000!

This year, the Government says they will add more trains, buses, ships and planes.③Thev want to make sure people can go home safely. College students and migrant workers will have their own special trains.




