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2.Let's play ________(电脑)games.



1.A set of ________(钥匙)is on the desk.


This is my family  1  .These are  2  That is my  3  .His name is Jack. 4   are my uncle and my  5  .This boy is me(我). I love(爱)my family.




This boy is Peter Smith.Peter is his  36   name.Smith is his  37   name.He  38   a sister, Mary.This  39   his school.His school  40   number is 2004856.Li Lei is his  41  friend at school.Look!  42   his backpack.It's  43  .But  44  his watch? It' s on the sofa.What color is it? I  45   know.

36.A.first          B.family        C.last          D.school

37.A.first          B.family        C.one          D.school

38.A.have         B.has         C.is           D.are

39'A.am           B.is          C.are           D.he

40.A.phone         B.ID card        C.name          D.card

41.A.a           B.the          C.good          D.OK

42.A.What' s        B.This' s        C.It's          D.He's

43.A.black         B.a black        C.in black        D.an black

44.A.where         B.where's       C.where are       D.where're

45.A.don't         B.doesn't        C.isn't         D.am not


35.Jim ________ a good friend at school,

A.have         B.has          C.is           D.are


34.This is ________ eraser.Those are ________.

A.a; eraser        B.an; eraser        C.a; erasers           D.an; erasers


33.--Let' s play ________ volleyball.


A.a           B.an           C.the           D./


32.-- ________ is the ball?

--It's under the chair.

A.Where         B.How          C.What          D.What color

