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Jack lived in a big city. He was a heavy and unhealthy man. He ate a lot and  31   took exercise. While his friend, Susan, lived in the countryside. She was  32   and healthy. She worked in her garden everyday.

One day Jack went to  33   Susan. He  34   at her. house in the afternoon.

“I’m very tired and  35  ,” said Jack, “I want to have  36   big dinner. I want some pizza (比萨饼), some French fries and some ice cream!”

“Jack, I don’t eat  37   in my house. They are unhealthy. I want a lot of fruit and vegetables as well as some rice and bread. So I will give some healthy food  38   you here, ” said Susan. “You  39   to take exercise. Come and work in my garden after dinner.”

Jack stayed with Susan for a few months. He had a lot of rice, fruit and vegetables. He worked in Susan’s garden every day. When he left the countryside, he became much thinner and  40  .

31. A. never         B. always        C. usually        D. often

32. A. tall           B. thin          C. ill           D. lazy

33. A. ask          B. telephone        C. visit         D. sound

34. A. got          B. went       C. came       D. arrived

35. A. hungry         B. terrible         C. thirsty         D. angry

36. A. an          B. a           C. the          D. /

37. A. that          B. it           C. one         D. them

38. A. for.          B. at           C. to           D. of

39. A. can           B. must         C. may         D. need

40. A. healthy         B. healthier        C. health         D. unhealthy


30.--Excuse me. Do you know     ?

--Sorry. I don’t know.

A. Where Nina lives                      B. Where does Nina live

C. Where Nina live                      D. Nina lives where


29. --     ?

--It’s Sunday, October 28.

A. What time is it                 B. What day is it

C. What’s the date today               D. What’s today


28. This comedy movie is not      that one.

A. as funnier as       B. so funny than      C. as funny as        D. as funny than


27. Our T-shirts are the same. But my T-shirt is much older than     .

A. hers              B. her          C. she          D. she is.


26.--Today Wenshang is      than yesterday.

--So it is. (的确如此)

A. very beautiful.      B. more beautiful.     C. much beautiful      D. quite beautiful


25. I don’t like this book. Can you give me      one?

A. another         B. other         C. others         D. the other


24.--Do you know his parents?

--Yes, they      English in our school.

A. are all.         B. all are.         C. are both.         D. both are

