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27.It’s a nice day. Why __________ out for a walk?

    A.don’t go        B.not going       C.didn’t          D.not go


26.-Shall we play computer games now?

-Sorry, I _______ my homework.

    A.do            B.did            C.am doing       D.have done


25.-Do you want to watch NBA or go to play football with me?


    A.Of course                      B.I’d like to watch NBA

    C.No, I don’t                     D.Yes, please


24.-How was your holiday last week?

-Wonderful. Most of us enjoyed __________ in the sea.

    A.swim          B.to swim        C.swam         D.swimming


23.Tom carried the bag for the old lady because it was very _________.

    A.dirty           B.heavy          C.small          D.bright


22.-__________ do you have a class meeting, Joe?

-Twice a month.

    A.How often      B.How far        C.How old        D.How long


21.There are _________ people in my family. We live on the ________ floor in a tall building.    A.five; sixth B.fifth, sixth    C.sixth; fifth      D.sixth; five


20.-How many classes do you have ___________ Friday afternoon?

-None. We are free.

    A.in            B.on            C.at            D.to


19.-Would you like something to eat?

-Yes, two _______ bread and an egg, please.

    A.piece          B.pieces         C.pieces of       D.piece of



18.-Is that Mr wang?

-Yes. Let’s go and say hello to _________.

    A.she           B.her            C.him           D.he

