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44.    and you'll pass the English exam easily.

A.Study hard      B.Studying hard     C.To study hard     D.Studied hard


43.Maria fell asleep       she was listening to music.

A.after         B.before        C.while        D.that


42.After       the Great Wall, the visitors from Britain went to the Summer Palace.

A.visit          B.visits        C.to visit        D.visiting


41.We're supposed to       a way to solve the problem of air pollution.

A.get on with                      B.come up with

C.catch up with                        D.keep up with


40.Susan doesn't speak English     Anna, but her handwriting is excellent.

A.as well as                          B.so good as

C.as better as                       D.so best as


39.Linda was unhappy when you went to see her,       ?

A.did she        B.didn't she     C.was she      D.wasn't she


38.--Jenny wants to know if       a hiking trip tomorrow.

--Of course, we will.But if it      , we'll visit the History Museum instead.

A.will you have; rains             B.you will have; will rain

C.you will have; rains             D.will you have; will rain


37.--Shall we go to Mount Tai next Sunday?

   --I'd prefer       at home rather than      

A.staying; go out                    B.to stay; go out

C.stay; to go out                      D.stays; going out


36.--I can't stop playing computer games, Dad.

   --For your health, my dear.I think you      

A.would        B.won't         C.may          D.have to


35.Tom is only      .I don't think a       boy should be allowed to drive.

A.fourteen-year-old; fourteen-year-old      B.fourteen years old; fourteen-year-old

C.fourteen years old; fourteen-years-old        D.fourteen-year-old; fourteen years old

