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15. --I want to be a scientist when I grow up.

 --I believe your dream will ______ one day if keep on working hard from now on.

   A. come down   B. come up         C. come out         D. come true


14. There are ______ women workers in that factory.

A. hundred of                B. hundreds of

C. three hundred of              D. three hundreds


13. -- When ______ he ______ us?  -- Next Friday

A. did, visit      B. will, visit      C. does, visit         D. would, visit


12. My father will be back from Beijing ______.

A. in two weeks            B. for two weeks

C. after two weeks              D. next two weeks


11. I hear there ______ a talk about our future life in our school this weekend.

A. will be     B. is          C. has            D. was


10. The teacher told us the earth ______ around the sun

A. go          B. going        C. went         D. goes


9. What happened ______ you?

A. on          B. to          C. with        D. about


8. The little boy followed the alien ______ what he wanted ______.

A. to see, to do  B. see, to do         C. seeing, doing    D. seeing, do


7. The girl ______ when I saw her in the shop.

A. shop        B. shopping    C. was shopping      D. is shopping


6. The thin air made him ______ sick.

A. feels       B. felt         C. feel         D. feeling

