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   Last year Tom left school.He left his hometown for Guangzhou to find a job.He went from one company to  66 ,but no one wanted him.Now he had little money and he had to go back to his hometown.So he came to the station.He felt disappointed and tired.It was very late at night and  67  was full of people.They were waiting to buy tickets of the train.He bought the last ticket,and he felt a little better.

   At that time,a woman walked to him with a baby in her arms.She asked him to sell her the ticket.He gave her the ticket  68  a word.He thought they needed it more than he  69.After the train left,he sat on the bench and didn’t know where to go.Just then,an old man came and said.“Young man,I  70  what you did to the woman.I have a big company.and I need a young man like you.Would you like to work for me?”

66.(   )A.other          B.another             C.the other

67.(   )A.the city        B.the town         C.the station

68.(   )A.without        B.with            C.for

69.(   )A.hoped         B.did             C.wished

70.(   )A.saw              B.don’t know          C.don’t like


   The poor are very wonderful people.One evening my sister and l went out and picked up four people from the street.One of  71  was in the most terrible condition.I told my sister,“You  72 the other three. I take care of this one who looks 73 .”So I did for her all that I can do.I  74 her in bed,and there was such a beautiful smile on her face.She took hold of my hand as she 75 “Thank you!”,and then she died.I could not help but examined my heart before her.I asked myself  76  I would say if I was in her place.My answer was very simple.I would say I was hungry,cold,homeless,and I was dying,or something else,but she gave me her thankful love.Then she died  77  a smile on her face.

   I am going to try to make a home for many people who have no home.Because I believe that love begins at home,and if we can create a home for the poor,I think that 78  love will pass on.Through this love will be able to bring peace to the poor.So let us always  79  each other with a smile,for the smile is the  80  of love,and once we begin to love each other naturally,we will do something for others.

71.(   )A.us            B.them            C.you

72.(   )A.look for        B.listen to          C.1ook after

73.(   )A.worse         B.stronger         C.better

74.(   )A.gave              B.threw              C.put

75.(   )A.spoke          B.told            C.said

76.(   )A.which         B.what            C.when

77.(   )A.with              B.in              C.from

78.(   )A.less and less      B.little and little      C.more and more

79.(   )A.meet          B.to meet             C.met

80.(   )A.begin          B.beginning        C.end


60.(   )It’s a little cold and I don’t feel well.    E.Not at all.


   M:Good morning.Can I help you, madam?

(   )W:Yes,please.  61 

(   )M:OK,Qingdao is a nice place to visit.  62   The weather is neither hot nor cold.

(   )W:Sounds good.63  

   M:You can get there by train.

   W:Shall I visit places of interest by bus in Qingdao?

(   )M:Sure,  64

(   )W:Really perfect.  65

   M:280 yuan each person.It includes train tickets,park tickets,hotel and meals.

   W:Well.It’s nice.I’d like to book(预定)the tour for two.


59.(   )What about going shopping?       D.Thank you all the same.


58.(   )Sorry,I don’t know that building.     C.You’d better wear more.


57.(   )Thanks a lot.             B.No.that’s all.



56.(   )Do you want anything else?       A.Good idea! Let’s go.


55.(   )一W叫ld you mind moving the desk?

     一___________.I will do it right away.

     A.Yes.I do          B.Of course   C.No,not at all

