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   Overhead bridges(天桥)can be seen in many parts of Singapore because traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is  66 

   Overhead bridges are very useful,although they are not very convenient(方便的)because people  67  climb up a lot of steps.This is not convenient to the  68  .But if people cross a  69  road using a zebra crossing(斑马线),traffic is busy.This is  70  the government has built many overhead bridges to help people and  71  traffic moving at the same time.The government of Singapore has  72  a lot of money building these bridges because they are much sifter.

66.(   )A.danger         B.dangerous        C.safe

67.(   )A.can           B.may            C.have to

68.(   )A.young         B.old             C.deaf

69.(   )A.Wide          B.Winding         C.busy

70.(   )A.how              B.when           C.why

71.(   )A.see           B.keep            C.find

72.(   )A.used              B.made           C.spent


   A Professor(教授)told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟)to study the life of 200 boys.He asked them to  73  reports about each boy’s life and future.Every one of the students wrote,“he doesn’t have any hope.”

   Twenty-five years  74  ,another professor read the earlier study.He told his students to find out what had happened to the boys.They found that 176 of the boys became Successful  75 doctors,teachers and scientists.

   The professor was very  76  and decided to go on studying.Luckily,all the men were living near the place and he could ask each one,“what made you  77  ?”Each one answered.“there was a teacher.”

   The teacher was  78  living there,so the professor found her and asked the old woman  79  she had used to pull those boys out of the slum and change them into successful people.

   The teacher’s  80  began to shine and said with a sweet smile,“it’s really very easy.I love those boys.”

73.(   )A.read              B.study           C.write

74.(   )A.later              B.after            C.ago

75.(   )A.for            B.as              C.like

76.(   )A.glad              B.angry           C.surprised

77.(   )A.wonderful          B.successful            C.rich

78.(   )A.already         B.even            C.still

79.(   )A.what          B.who            C.which

80.(   )A.face              B.eyes            C.hair


60.If you like it,we can lend it to you           E.Yes,of course .



A.That’s a good idea.
B.Well,I think we should do that tomorrow.
C.Shall we go by bus or by bike?
D.Is it near from the Friendship Hotel?
E.How far is it?
F.How long is it?
G.Where is it?

   A:Where shall we go today?

   B:Shall we go to the Great Wall?

(  )A:  61  What about going to the Temple of Heaven?

(  )B:  62  What do you know about that?

   A:It’s one of the biggest and famous parks in Beijing.It was a place where kings worship the God.

(  )B:  63 

   A:It’s in the middle of the southern part of the city.

(  )B:  64 

   A:It’s about 18 kilometers from the Friendship Hotel.

(  )B:  65 

   A:I’d prefer to go by bike.

   B:OK.Let’s get ready.


59.Would you like some drinks?         D.Sounds great.


58.I will go to Harbin by plane with my parents.    C.Thank you all the same.


57.May I try it on?                  B.You’re welcome.



56.Sorry,I don’t know,I’m a stranger here.       A.It’s very nice of you!


55.If your homework     ,you may watch TV for half an hour.

       A.is finished     B.will be finished     C.will finish


54.Finally,they have built     in the center of the city.

       A.all twenty-floors building

       B.a twenty-floor building

       C.an twenty-floor building

