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30. The bus is too crowed and there _________ no __________ for another person.

 A. is; room     B. are; rooms    C. is; rooms    D. are; room


29. It’s almost eight years _________ we saw each other last time.

 A. since     B. before     C. until      D. when


28. Do you know the teacher _________ daughter is studying at No. 1 Middle School?

 A. who     B. that      C. whom     D. Whose


27. After class, I like playing computer games and chatting _________ my friends ________ the internet.

 A. to; by     B. with; on    C. for; in      D. about; through



26. ---Here is ________ map for you, which I have used for years. It might be helpful to you.

  ---Is it _______ good one? I need one with places of interest on it.

   A. a; another     B. the; the      C. a; a       D. other; a



21. How old are most American children when they go to school?

A. Four.       B. Five.       C. Six.

22. What do high school students do after class?

A. They do a lot of homework .       B. They do many interesting things.

C. They often sing songs.

23. What do many students do after high school?

   A. They begin to work..    B. They stay at home.     C. They go to college.

24. Why do many college students work after class?

A. Because they want to get some money for their studies.

B. Because they don’t have anything to do.

C. Because their teachers ask them to do so.

25. When does a summer holiday begin in America?

   A. In January.       B. In September.        C. In June.




16. Why is Sam going to Sydney?

  A. To look for a good job.

  B. To spend his holiday there.

  C. To visit some good friends there.

17. How many times has Sam been there?

  A. Once.        B. Twice.       C. Never.

18. When is Sam leaving for Sydney?

  A. At 9:00 pm on Friday, July 27th.

  B. At 9:00 am on Friday, July 27th.

  C. At 9:00 pm on Friday, June 27th.

19. How will he go there?

  A. By air.         B. By train.        C. By sea.

20. Has his father been to Sydney before?

  A. Yes, twice.       B. No, never.        C. Only once.


(一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个


1. A. Thank you.             B. Yes, I think so.       C. No, I’m not.

2. A. What sign?             B. Why?           C. Sorry, I didn’t see it.

3. A. I’m sorry to hear that.           B. Since last month.     C. Yes, I have.

4. A. Of course not.            B. You’re welcome.      C. Good idea.

5. A. Because of too many people.    B. Because of pollution.    C. Because of less water.(二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。

6. How many years have people used the telephone?

A. More than 120 years.    B. More than 130 years   C. More than 140 years.

7. What are they talking about?

A. Soil pollution.      B. Noise pollution.     C. Air pollution.

8. How does Anna usually go to school?

A. She drives her car.     B. She takes a bus.     C. She rides her bike.

9. When will they meet?

A. At 7:00 o’clock.      B. At 7:30.        C. At 9:00 o’clock.

10. How many countries has John been to?

A. Two.          B. Three.         C. Four.

11. What are they talking about?

A. Grapes         B. Apples         C. Wine

12. Whose camera can Susan use?

A. Bill’s       B. Bill’s father’s      C. Susan’s grandma’s.

13. What is Alice going to do in Hong Kong?

A. To see John.     B. To take lesson.     C. To have a competition

14. What happened to the woman?

A. She was hurt in a traffic accident.

B. She hurt her leg.       

C. She hurt her left arm.

15. What does Alice mean?

A. David shouldn’t have missed the match.

   B. The match was too boring.

   C. She was a little late for the match, too.


以My Day为题,根据下列提示写一篇短文。

提示:1. 早上6:30 起床, 7:30 上学。

    2. 8:00开始上课,在校吃午饭。

3. 有时放学后踢足球, 5:00回家吃晚饭。

4. 8:30做作业, 9:00 睡觉。

5. 词数60~80。


75. 袋鼠来自大洋洲吗? 是的, 它是澳大利亚的。

______ the kangaroo _____ from Oceania? Yes. It is from Australia.

